Browse Reading by Year

Kimiko Hahn reads from Toxic Flora (2010) and Brain Fever (2014). This reading was given as part of the Spectacular Poetics series. 

Khadijah Queen reads from her collections Conduit (2008), Black Peculiar (2011), and Fearful Beloved (2015); she also shares drawings, photos, and video and sound clips. This reading was given as part of the Spectacular Poetics series. 

Adrian Matejka intersperses thoughts on spectacular poetics with readings of poems from Mixology (2009) and The Big Smoke (2013); he also reads new and uncollected work. This reading was given as part of the Spectacular Poetics Series. 

James Hannaham reads the prologue and opening chapter of his novel Delicious Foods (2015).

Poet David Baker gives a collaborative performance alongside Lauren Baba, Andrew Rowan, Alina Roitstein, Harrison Kirk, and Gregory Uhlmann of the River Song Quintet, who perform musical settings of his poems. Included in this performance are uncollected and new poems, as well as poems from Baker's collections The Truth about Small Towns (1998) and Scavenger Loop (2015).

Poet and translator Marilyn Hacker reads from her collections Names (2010) and A Stranger's Mirror (2015). She also reads from her translations from the French of works by poets Vénus Khoury-Ghata and Claire Malroux.

Poet and essayist Brian Blanchfield reads from his first work of non-fiction, Proxies (2016). This reading was originally given with Fenton Johnson. 

Fenton Johnson reads from his novel The Man Who Loved Birds (2016). This reading was originally given with Brian Blanchfield. 

Renee Angle reads from her book-length poetry project WoO (2016). This reading was originally given with Wendy Burk.

Wendy Burk discusses and reads from her translation of Tedi López Mills' Against the Current (2016) and her own first collection of poems, Tree Talks: Southern Arizona (2016). This reading was originally given with Renee Angle.

Erin Stalcup reads from her short story collection And Yet It Moves (2016). This reading was originally given with Vickie Vértiz.

Poetry Center Summer Resident Vickie Vértiz reads new and uncollected poems. She also introduces Tucson Youth Poetry Slam champion Erik Loya-Tolano and local poet and performer Enrique García Naranjo, who each read one poem. This reading was originally given with Erin Stalcup.

Daniel Schoonebeek reads poems from his collections American Barricade (2014) and Trébuchet (forthcoming from University of Georgia Press, 2016). This reading was originally given with Solmaz Sharif as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.

Solmaz Sharif reads poems from her collection Look (2016). This reading was originally given with Danniel Schoonebeek as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.

Julie Iromuanya reads from her novel Mr. and Mrs. Doctor (2015) as well as from an unpublished novel. This reading was originally given with Karen Brennan. 

Karen Brennan reads from her short story collection Monsters (2016). This reading was originally given with Julie Iromuanya.

Claudia Rankine reads from and discusses Citizen (2014). This reading incorporates artwork included in Citizen as well as other visual materials, including additional works by artists featured in Citizen and the video essay "Situation 8" by Claudia Rankine and John Lucas. 

Richard Shelton reads from his memoir Nobody Rich or Famous (2016). He also reads a related poem from Selected Poems, 1969-1981 (1982).

Robert Hass reads one poem from The Apple Trees at Olema (2010) along with recent, uncollected poems on the subject of climate change. This reading was originally given with Brenda Hillman as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Brenda Hillman reads poems related to climate change from Cascadia (2001), Practical Water (2009), and Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire (2013). She also reads a new sequence of poems titled "The Rosewood Clauses." This reading was originally given with Robert Hass as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Aracelis Girmay discusses intersections between ways of thinking about poetry, ecologies, and climate change. She also reads from the black maria (2016) and Kingdom Animalia (2011). This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Lawrence Lenhart reads from his essay collection The Well-Stocked and Gilded Cage (2016). This reading was originally given with Benjamin Rybeck and Natasha Stagg.

Benjamin Rybeck reads from his novel The Sadness (2016). This reading was originally given with Lawrence Lenhart and Natasha Stagg.

Natasha Stagg reads from her novel Surveys (2016). This reading was originally given with Lawrence Lenhart and Benjamin Rybeck. 

Rita Dove reads from Collected Poems, 1974-2004 (2016) and Sonata Mulattica (2009). She also reads uncollected work.

Camille Dungy discusses climate change and reads from What to Eat, What to Drink, What to Leave for Poison (2006), Smith Blue (2011), and a forthcoming manuscript titled Trophic Cascade. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Joy Harjo reads from Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings (2015) and How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems (2002). She also plays flute and soprano saxophone. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Ross Gay reads poems from Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude (2015) and an essay from The Book of Delights (2019). This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Brian Teare reads new and uncollected work and discusses ecopoetics, ecofeminism, and climate change. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Alison Hawthorne Deming discusses the Climate Change & Poetry Series. She also reads from Stairway to Heaven (2016) and from uncollected work. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.

Forrest Gander reads widely from his translations from the Spanish, including poems by Coral Bracho, Alfonso D'Aquino, Pura López Colomé, Nezahualcóyotl, and Jaime Saenz. He also reads from his translations of Pablo Neruda's rediscovered works, published as Then Come Back: The Lost Neruda Poems (2016).

Cynthia Hogue reads from In June the Labyrinth (2017). She also reads (along with her co-translator, Sylvain Gallais) two poems by Nicole Brossard, translated from the French. This reading was originally given with Johanna Skibsrud.

Johanna Skibsrud reads from The Description of the World (2016) as well as from a manuscript-in-progress titled Medium. This reading was originally given with Cynthia Hogue.

Rodrigo Toscano performs poems from Explosion Rocks Springfield (2016). 

Lydia Millet reads from a forthcoming short story collection, Fight No More. This reading was originally given with Jenny Offill.

Jenny Offill reads from Dept. of Speculation (2014) as well as from a novel in progress, American Weather. This reading was originally given with Lydia Millet.

Camille Rankine reads poems from Incorrect Merciful Impulses (2016), as well as uncollected poems. This reading was originally given with Ocean Vuong.

Ocean Vuong reads poems from Night Sky with Exit Wounds (2016). This reading was originally given with Camille Rankine.

Elena Passarello reads essays from Animals Strike Curious Poses (2017). This reading was originally given with David Shields.

David Shields reads essays from Other People: Takes & Mistakes (2017). This reading was originally given with Elena Passarello.

Mary Ruefle reads poems that would be collected in Dunce (2019) as well as poems from My Private Property (2016) and works that remain uncollected. She also reads poems by W.S. Graham, Antipatros as translated by Kenneth Rexroth, and Annabel Laurance, as well as several humorous found texts, including an inscription from a poetry book found at Goodwill.

Poetry Center Summer Resident Noah Baldino reads new and uncollected poems. This reading was originally given with Jos Charles.

Jos Charles reads poems from their collections Safe Space (2016) and feeld (forthcoming in 2018), along with new work. This reading was originally given with Noah Baldino.

Reginald Dwayne Betts reads from his poetry collection Bastards of the Reagan Era (2015), along with one uncollected poem.

Joy Williams gives the first public reading of "Portion," a new short story.

Giancarlo Huapaya gives a gallery performance related to the exhibit BirúPirúPerú: Collective Projects of Peruvian Visual Poetry, on display at the Poetry Center from August 21 to November 22, 2017. His performance makes use of the inaugural addresses of nine United States Presidents, from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump. 

Aimee Nezhukumatathil reads poems from At the Drive-In Volcano (2007), Lucky Fish (2011), and her forthcoming collection Oceanic (2018).

Aimee Nezhukumatathil delivers an interactive talk on epistolary poems. She leads the audience in a writing exercise and discusses epistolary works by Lucille Clifton, Brian Doyle, and Carolyn Forché.

Poets Odilia Galván Rodríguez and Martín Espada give a reading inspired by the anthology Poetry of Resistance: Voices for Social Justice. Mari Herreras moderates a discussion by the poets after introductory poems are read. This reading was given as part of the 2017 Tucson Humanities Festival.

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