washington dc


Murillo, John. Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry. New York: Four Way Books, 2020.


In a lecture titled "We, the People, Percussively Agree: Where the Pocket Beats and Breaks Between Go-Go and Hip Hop," Thomas Sayers Ellis discusses the history and evolution of Go-Go and its relationship to Hip Hop, integrating sound and song clips. He finishes by performing a poem from his book The Maverick Room (2005).


Reginald Dwayne Betts reads from his poetry collection Bastards of the Reagan Era (2015), along with one uncollected poem.

Poetry Center

1508 East Helen Street (at Vine Avenue)
Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
PHONE 520-626-3765 | poetry@email.arizona.edu