UA Poetry Center
Ana Božičević reads work from Stars of the Night Commute (2009) as well as work that would go on to be collected in Rise in the Fall (2013). This reading was given alongside Kazim Ali as part of the Next Word in Poetry series.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
Božičević, Ana. Stars of the Night Commute. Grafton, VT: Tarpaulin Sky Press, 2010.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
Božičević, Ana. Rise in the Fall. Austin, Minneapolis, New York, and Raleigh: Birds, LLC, 2013.
with Kazim Ali