love poetry


Maxine Kumin reads primarily from House, Bridge, Fountain, Gate (1976), along with selections from her earlier work.


D.M. Thomas reads from Two Voices (1968) and Logan Stone (1971). This reading was originally given alongside Peter Redgrove and includes two tracks of collaborative reading with Redgrove.


Peter Redgrove reads poems in a dramatic style on the subject of water, which, as he notes, "in Arizona you appreciate," and which is central to his work. He reads from The Nature of Cold Weather (1961), The Force (1966), and Dr Faust's Sea-Spiral Spirit (1972). This reading was originally given alongside D.M. Thomas and includes one track of collaborative reading with Thomas.


Ross Talarico reads from Snowfires (1972), Trying to Leave (1977), and Simple Truths (1975). This reading was originally given with Marvin Bell.


Ana Božičević reads work from Stars of the Night Commute (2009) as well as work that would go on to be collected in Rise in the Fall (2013). This reading was given alongside Kazim Ali as part of the Next Word in Poetry series.


Laura Tohe reads from No Parole Today (1999) and poems that would later be published in Tséyi'/Deep in the Rock: Reflections on Canyon de Chelly (2005). Stephen Strom, the photographer for Tséyi'/Deep in the Rock: Reflections on Canyon de Chelly, also briefly speaks about his work.


George Bowering reads primarily from Points on the Grid (1964), The Man in Yellow Boots (1965), and The Silver Wire (1966).


Nathalie Handal reads poems from The Lives of Rain (2005) and Spell (2006) as well as new poems.


DJ Renegade reads poems from LibationSong (2002) along with uncollected works. This reading/performance was originally given with Tracie Morris at an event titled Mondo Hip-Hop.


Gene Frumkin reads poems from The Rainbow-Walker (1968). This reading was originally given with Douglas Flaherty.


Spoken word artist Teré Fowler-Chapman performs selections from her work and the work of poet Sonia Sanchez at the 2014 Poetry Out Loud Regional Finals Competition. She is accompanied by violinist Samantha Bounkeua.


Joy Harjo reads poems from The Woman Who Fell From the Sky (1994), along with the essay "Warrior Road." This reading was originally given with Leslie Marmon Silko.


John Harmon McElroy reads work from several major American authors. He opens with a brief passage from John Dos Passos's USA Trilogy (1930-1936), and reads from works including Washington Irving's The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon (1819), Henry James's The American (1877), Henry David Thoreau's Walden (1854), Herman Melville's Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile (1855), Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter (1850), Walt Whitman's Specimen Days (1892), several poems by Emily Dickinson, and Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884).


Poetry Center Summer Resident Hieu Minh Nguyen reads poems from This Way to the Sugar (2014) as well as new and uncollected work. This reading was originally given with Matt Bell. 

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