UA Department of English, UA Poetry Center, UA Prose Series
Phillip Lopate reads essays from Getting Personal (2003) and Portrait Inside My Head (2013), as well as one uncollected essay.
by Ander Monson
Differs slightly from published version.
Lopate, Phillip. Getting Personal: Selected Writings. New York: Basic, 2003.
Differs slightly from published version.
Lopate, Phillip. Getting Personal: Selected Writings. New York: Basic, 2003.
Lopate, Phillip. "You Gotta Have Money: A Disquisition on the Sine Qua Non." 50th Anniversary: The Best of Salmagundi. Spec. issue of Salmagundi. 185-186 (2015): 119-129. Print.
First published in The New York Times as "Die for Me, Baby" (1992). Collected version is incorporated into a longer essay titled "Laws of Attraction."
Lopate, Phillip. Portrait Inside My Head: Essays. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013.