UA Creative Writing Program, UA Poetry Center
Gabriel Dozal reads from his first book, The Border Simulator (2023), which considers the US-Mexico border with humor through the voices of several characters. Dozal also reads poems from what he describes as a B-side to the book—related poems that don't appear in the published version. This reading was originally given alongside Maddie Norris, Gabriel Palacios, and Margo Steines, all fellow alumni of the University of Arizona creative writing MFA program.
by Tyler Meier
by Ander Monson
by Ander Monson
Uncollected. Written in collaboration with James Butler-Gruett, Eliza Rodha, and Jenna Smith.
Dozal, Gabriel. The Border Simulator. New York: One World, 2023.
Dozal, Gabriel. The Border Simulator. New York: One World, 2023.
Dozal, Gabriel. The Border Simulator. New York: One World, 2023.