UA Poetry Center
Craig Santos Perez engages the audience with several performance pieces incorporating poems from his book from unincorporated territory [guma'] (2014). This reading was originally given with Yona Harvey as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.
Performance piece incorporating two poems. Published versions of both poems bear the title "ginen the legends of juan malo [a malologue]." Differs from published versions.
Perez, Craig Santos. from unincorporated territory [guma']. Richmond: Omnidawn Publishing, 2014.
Performance piece incorporating two poems. Published versions of both poems bear the title "ginen the legends of juan malo [a malologue]." Differs from published versions.
Perez, Craig Santos. from unincorporated territory [guma']. Richmond: Omnidawn Publishing, 2014.
Performance piece incorporating two poems. Published versions of both poems bear the title "ginen the legends of juan malo [a malologue]." Differs from published versions.
Perez, Craig Santos. from unincorporated territory [guma']. Richmond: Omnidawn Publishing, 2014.
With Yona Harvey. Question and answer session is audio only.