UA Poetry Center, Tucson Festival of Books
Christopher Burawa reads from The Small Mystery of Lapses (2006). He also reads uncollected and unpublished poems, including translations of poems by Icelandic poet Jóhann Hjálmarsson. This reading was originally given alongside Ofelia Zepeda for the inaugural Tucson Festival of Books.
Burawa, Christopher. The Small Mystery of Lapses. Cleveland: Cleveland State University, 2006.
Burawa, Christopher. The Small Mystery of Lapses. Cleveland: Cleveland State University, 2006.
Burawa, Christopher. [i]The Small Mystery of Lapses[/i]. Cleveland: Cleveland State University, 2006.
Burawa, Christopher. "The Mind Flows a River that Murders Someone." Columbia Poetry Review. 19 (2006). Print.
Burawa, Chris. "A Theory of Eczema." Prairie Schooner. 82:1 (Spring 2008): 40-41. Print.
Burawa, Christopher. "An Enso for Larry Levis." Burnside Review. 3:1 (2006): 50. Print.
by Jóhann Hjálmarsson. Trans. Christopher Burawa. From an unpublished manuscript of translations.
by Jóhann Hjálmarsson. Trans. Christopher Burawa. From an unpublished manuscript of translations.
by Jóhann Hjálmarsson. Trans. Christopher Burawa. From an unpublished manuscript of translations.
by Jóhann Hjálmarsson. Trans. Christopher Burawa. From an unpublished manuscript of translations.