A selection of tracks that feature poets reading new work inspired by Tucson, the Poetry Center guest cottage, or the desert at large. Thank you to former Library Director Wendy Burk for compiling a list of poems written by visiting poets about or while in Tucson, which deeply aided in the process of creating this playlist.
An unpublished poem written while staying at the Poetry Cottage.
written in Tucson, about the Poetry Center
unpublished, uncollected
written in Tucson, about the Poetry Center
unpublished, uncollected
Donnelly, Timothy. The Problem of the Many. Seattle: Wave Books, 2019.
prose journal, 10/9/1967
From a work in progress. Unpublished.
Differs from published version.
Vértiz, Vickie. "Marlow Park." Entropy. Entropy, 2 Aug. 2016. Web. 12 Sep. 2016.
This poem was written for the dedication of the Poetry Center building in 2007.
Hillman, Brenda. Practical Water. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2009.