Browse Reading by Year

Philip Schultz reads poems from several books, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning collection The God of Loneliness (2010). He closes the reading with his first public performance of several new poems.

Joan Silber reads from Fools, a book of linked short stories which would be published in 2013.

Carl Dennis reads poems in progress from a manuscript with the working title Extra Room. Final versions of many of these poems would go on to be published in Another Reason (2014).

Authors collected in the anthology Sing: Poetry from the Indigenous Americas (2011) read from their work. Introductions are made by Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, the editor of this collection.

Timothy Schaffert reads from The Coffins of Little Hope, published in 2011, and The Swan Gondola, which would be published in 2014.

In this reading, originally given with Christopher Cokinos, Beth Alvarado shares pieces from her book Anthropologies (2011).

In this reading, originally given with Beth Alvarado, Christopher Cokinos reads from The Fallen Sky (2009) and Looking Up from the Lone House of the Earth: The Lives of Our Quest for Intelligence in Space, a work in progress.

David Rivard lectures on risk-taking and the New York School, incorporating recordings by Frank O'Hara, James Schuyler, and others.

David Rivard reads pieces primarily from his collection otherwise elsewhere (2011) as well as uncollected and unpublished works.

Jeffrey Yang, of New Directions Press, lectures on his experiences as a poet, translator, and editor.

Jeffrey Yang reads from An Aquarium (2008), Vanishing-Line (2011), and his translation of Liu Xiaobo's June Fourth Elegies (2012).

Katherine Larson reads pieces from Radial Symmetry (2011) as well as "Of the Unsolved Problem of the Origin of the Angiosperms," a new poem.

A reading celebrating the release of I'll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women, edited by Caroline Bergvall, Laynie Browne, Teresa Carmody, and Vanessa Place.

Marie Howe reads poems from What the Living Do (1998) and The Kingdom of Ordinary Time (2008), as well as a poem published in the American Poetry Review. The majority of poems are accompanied by remarks from the poet.

This event, a collaboration with the University of Arizona School of Dance, pairs poetry by Richard Siken and Catherine Wing with original music, choreography, and dance performances by School of Dance faculty and students. Original music for this performance was composed and performed by Suzanne Knosp, with choreography by Elizabeth George, Jory Hancock, and Melissa Lowe.

Daniyal Mueenuddin reads from In Other Rooms, Other Wonders (2009) as well as from unpublished/forthcoming pieces.

John T. Price reads from two memoirs: Man Killed by Pheasant and Other Kinships (2008) and Daddy Long Legs: The Natural Education of a Father (2013).

Paul Guest reads from One More Theory About Happiness (2010), Notes for My Body Double (2007), and My Index of Slightly Horrifying Knowledge (2008).

Monica Drake reads a new short story and an excerpt from Clown Girl (2006) as part of the University of Arizona Prose Series.

Tags: fiction, prose

Fanny Howe discusses form, appropriation, and her relationship with language and history.

Fanny Howe primarily reads from The Lyrics (2007) and Come and See (2011). She also reads unpublished and uncollected work.

At the Poetry Center's May 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Christine Hume presents a performance of audio documentary poetics, merging recorded sound with live narration. This recording includes a question and answer session with Claudia Rankine and Cecilia Vicuña, who performed along with Hume at the Poetry Off the Page Sonic Lens night.

Cecilia Vicuña presents an improvisatory oral performance in response to space and time as part of the Poetry Center's 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium. This recording includes a question and answer session with Claudia Rankine and Christine Hume, who performed along with Vicuña at the Poetry Off the Page Sonic Lens night.

Julie Carr and K. J. Holmes perform the writing/dance collaboration This is where we are (or take arms against a sea of troubles), an excerpt as part of the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium.

As part of the May 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Poetry Center librarian Wendy Burk delivers a gallery talk on Artistexts, an exhibit guest-curated by Johanna Drucker.

Danielle Vogel reads from lyric essays describing the genesis of her ceramic architecture exhibit Narrative Nests, presented at the Poetry Center's May 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium. One of these essays appears in Narrative & Nest: Pre-Natal Architectures & Narrative Rituals (2012).

Cecilia Vicuña delivers an improvisatory talk about her performance and installation work at the Poetry Off the Page Symposium, focusing on Indigenous views of poetry as completely integrated into space, time, sound, and matter.

At the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Amaranth Borsuk discusses and reads from Between Page and Screen. This collaboration between Borsuk and programmer Brad Bouse is a book whose pages contain no text, but which may be read with the aid of a webcam and browser.

Ander Monson discusses the labyrinth, both physical and digital, and the potential for participation and subversion within online commercial spaces. This talk is excerpted from Monson's workshop at the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium.

At the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Black Took Collective presents a multimedia performance exploring interrogations of a Black unconscious, using written and aural language, sound, video, and image.

At the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Noah Saterstrom moderates a panel discussion on digital publishing and self-publishing with Brent Cunningham, Ander Monson, and Dan Waber.

Dan Waber presents a macro and micro view of "off the pageness" at the Poetry Center's 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium. In the macro view, Pecha Kucha Tucson, Waber offers 60 slides representing 60 different ways to make poetry off the page. In the micro view, he closely reads intersections between the textual and the visual.

Joshua Marie Wilkinson concludes the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium with remarks that playfully remix the performances, panels, and conversations taking place throughout the symposium weekend.

At the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Douglas Kearney discusses and performs poems from several collections that engage typography, image, sampling, and physical power.

At the 2012 Poetry Off the Page Symposium, Elizabeth Frankie Rollins moderates a panel discussion with Julie Carr, Duriel E. Harris, K. J. Holmes, Douglas Kearney, Dawn Lundy Martin, Julie Ezelle Patton, and Ronaldo V. Wilson.

Hilito is a short film that captures a performance by Cecilia Vicuña in the Sonoran Desert. It was filmed over the span of a week across various locations in Tucson. Vicuña created this film for the Poetry Off the Page Symposium.

In this reading, originally given with Christopher Nelson, Poetry Center Summer Resident Genine Lentine reads primarily new poems as well as work from the collection Poses: An Essay Drawn from the Model (2012).

In this reading, originally given with Poetry Center Summer Resident Genine Lentine, Chris Nelson reads from an unpublished manuscript.

In this reading, originally given with Poetry Center Summer Resident Harrison Candelaria Fletcher, Naomi Benaron reads from her Bellwether Prize-winning novel Running the Rift (2012).

In this reading, originally given with Naomi Benaron, Poetry Center Summer Resident Harrison Candelaria Fletcher reads from his memoir Descanso for My Father: Fragments of a Life (2012) and "White," an uncollected essay.

Cynthia Hogue reads poems from Or Consequence (2010), When the Water Came: Evacuees of Hurricane Katrina (2010), and The Incognito Body (2006). She also reads excerpts from Virginie LaLucq and Jean-Luc Nancy's Fortino Sámano: The Overflowing of the Poem (2012), which she translated with Silvain Gallais. This reading was originally given with Kate Bernheimer.

Kate Bernheimer reads from a work in progress called Happy Hour that will be published in Unstuck. This reading was originally given with Cynthia Hogue.

Natalie Diaz reads at a symposium hosted by Feminist Formations, an interdisciplinary journal of women's, gender, and sexuality studies. This performance includes poems from When My Brother Was an Aztec (2012); Diaz also reads several poems that are forthcoming in Feminist Formations. This reading was originally given with Niki Herd.

Niki Herd reads at a symposium hosted by Feminist Formations, an interdisciplinary journal of women's, gender, and sexuality studies. Herd's performance includes a poem from The Language of Shedding Skin (2010) and an excerpt from a work in progress. This reading was originally given with Natalie Diaz.

Joyelle McSweeney reads primarily from Percussion Grenade (2012) as well as several unpublished pieces. This reading was originally given with Zachary Schomburg.

Zachary Schomburg reads from Fjords (2012) and Scary, No Scary (2009). This reading was originally given with Joyelle McSweeney.

Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild reads from his first book, The Last Clubhouse Eulogy (2009), for students at this matinee reading.

Tags: tucson

Carl Phillips reads primarily from Double Shadow (2011) and Speak Low (2009). He also reads uncollected and new poems, including poems forthcoming in Silverchest (2013).

Poetry Center

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