love poem
Mura, David. Angels for the Burning. Rochester, NY: BOA Editions, Ltd., 2004.
Limón, Ada. The Carrying. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2018.
Limón, Ada. The Carrying. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2018.
Hall, Donald. The Yellow Room. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1971. First collected in The Alligator Bride.
Levertov, Denise. The Freeing of the Dust. New York: New Directions, 1975.
McPherson, Sandra. Elegies for the Hot Season. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1970.
Carruth, Hayden. Collected Shorter Poems: 1946-1991. Port Townsend: Copper Canyon, 1992.
Kelly, Donika. The Renunciations. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2021.
greathouse, torrin a. "T4T." Ninth Letter, vol. 18, no. 2, Fall/Winter 2021-22, p. 26.
Zapruder, Matthew. Father's Day. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2019.
Morgan, Saretta. Alt-Nature. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2024.
Li-Young Lee reads primarily from his second collection, The City in Which I Love You, which was published the same year as this reading. He also reads one poem from his first collection, Rose (1986).
Richard Shelton reads from The Tattooed Desert (1970), as well as several poems from Journal of Return (1969) and Of All the Dirty Words (1972).
Peter Wild reads poems appearing in Getting Ready for a Date(1984), The Peaceable Kingdom(1983), and Barn Fires(1978) as well as uncollected works.
Kathleen Fraser reads from her collections What I Want (1974) and New Shoes (1978). She also reads an unpublished poem she wrote while staying in the Poet's Cottage.
Nancy Mairs reads from In All the Rooms of the Yellow House (1984). She gave this reading with Mark Strand.
Marina Rivera reads from Mestiza (1977) and Sobra (1977); she also reads several uncollected poems. This reading was originally given with Carolyn Kizer.
Iraqi poet Sinan Antoon reads from his collection Baghdad Blues and uncollected translations of many more poems. He concludes the reading with a performance of a poem in Arabic.
Jane Miller reads from her third collection, American Odalisque (1987), as well as from August Zero (1993), which would be published the following year. She also reads an excerpt from her nonfiction collection Working Time: Essays on Poetry, Culture, and Travel (1992).
Laura Tohe reads from Tséyi': Deep in the Rock; Reflections on Canyon de Chelly (2005), which pairs Tohe's texts with images by photographer Stephen E. Strom. Following Tohe's reading, Strom discusses the images contained in the book.
Joni Wallace reads primarily from her collection Blinking Ephemeral Valentine and also an unpublished piece accompanied by the guitarist Greg Lewis. This is the first half of a reading which also featured Mary Jo Bang.
Philip Schultz reads poems from several books, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning collection The God of Loneliness (2010). He closes the reading with his first public performance of several new poems.
Katherine Larson reads pieces from Radial Symmetry (2011) as well as "Of the Unsolved Problem of the Origin of the Angiosperms," a new poem.
Luci Tapahonso reads for the 2011 Poetics and Politics Series. She reads work from several of her books, as well as unpublished poems.
Carl Phillips reads primarily from Double Shadow (2011) and Speak Low (2009). He also reads uncollected and new poems, including poems forthcoming in Silverchest (2013).
Richard Siken reads poems that would later be published in Crush (2005). This reading was originally given with Brian Blanchfield.
Melissa Buckheit reads from Noctilucent (2012), as well as new and uncollected work. This reading was originally given with Karen Rigby and Anne Shaw.
Jane Miller reads primarily from Thunderbird (2013). This reading was originally given with Joshua Marie Wilkinson.
Richard Siken reads poems from Crush (2005). This reading was originally given with Camille T. Dungy and Heriberto Yépez for the Next Word in Poetry Series.
Alan Feldman reads from his collection The Happy Genius (1978), as well as two new poems. This reading was originally given with Faye Kicknosway and Linda Gregg.
Carolyn Forché reads from her first three collections of poetry, Gathering the Tribes (1976), The Country Between Us (1981), and The Angel of History, which would be published three years after this reading. She also speaks about French Surrealist poet Robert Desnos and reads her translator's note to The Selected Poems of Robert Desnos (1991).
Steve Orlen reads just after the publication of his first chapbook, Sleeping on Doors.
Steve Orlen reads poems from the just-published collection Kisses (1997), as well as new poems.
Poet and Poetry Center Interim Director Mark Wunderlich reads a series of poems in response to trauma, loss, and HIV/AIDS. The poems in this reading are from a manuscript-in-progress that at the time was titled The Grooves of This. Most would go on to be collected in Wunderlich's debut, The Anchorage (1999).
Joy Harjo reads from Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings (2015) and from uncollected work at the Phoenix Art Museum. She also reads one poem from The Woman Who Fell from the Sky (1994). This reading was originally given with Sandra Cisneros and Rita Dove in partnership with ArchiTEXTS: A Conversation Across Languages with Natalie Diaz.
Ada Limón reads poems from Bright Dead Things (2015) and The Carrying (2018).