UA Africana Studies Department, UA Agnese Nelms Haury Program in Environment and Social Justice, UA College of Science, UA Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry, UA Institute of the Environment, UA Poetry Center
Camille Dungy discusses climate change and reads from What to Eat, What to Drink, What to Leave for Poison (2006), Smith Blue (2011), and a forthcoming manuscript titled Trophic Cascade. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.
Differs slightly from published version.
Dungy, Camille T. What to Eat, What to Drink, What to Leave for Poison. Los Angeles: Red Hen Press, 2006.
Published version bears the title "Freqently Asked Questions: #6." Differs slightly from published version.
Dungy, Camille. "Frequently Asked Questions: #6." Orion, vol. 34, no. 4, Jul./Aug. 2015, p. 50.
Dungy, Camille T. Smith Blue. Carbondale: Crab Orchard Review and Southern Illinois University Press, 2011.
Dungy, Camille T. "Characteristics of Life." Poem-A-Day. The Academy of American Poets, 3 Oct. 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.
Differs from published version.
Dungy, Camille. "Notes on What Is Always with Us." Blackbird: An Online Journal of Literature and the Arts, vol. 13, no. 2, Fal. 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.
Differs slightly from published version.
Dungy, Camille T. Smith Blue. Carbondale: Crab Orchard Review and Southern Illinois University Press, 2011.
Differs slightly from published version.
Dungy, Camille T. "Trophic Cascade." The Kenyon Review, vol. 37, no. 3, May/Jun. 2015, p. 46.