
Ruth Stephan reads from Various Poems (1963) and Poems for Nothing (1973). She also reads unpublished works.


In his first reading at the Poetry Center since 1969, Gary Snyder reads broadly from his work, including poems from his most recent collection, Danger on Peaks. He ends by reading uncollected newer poems. Snyder also speaks of his time in Japan, his studies of Zen Buddhism, and his friendship with Poetry Center founder Ruth Stephan.


Ruth Stephan reads from her collection Various Poems (1963). She also reads uncollected poems, one of which responds to John F. Kennedy's assassination a year prior.


Jane Hirshfield reads poems from Of Gravity & Angels (1988), The October Palace (1994), and The Lives of the Heart (1997).


Garrett Hongo reads from and discusses a cycle of poems written from the point of view of Kubota, a figure based on his maternal grandfather. He also reads poems written by Japanese internees at a detention center in Santa Fe during the 1940s.

Poetry Center

1508 East Helen Street (at Vine Avenue)
Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
PHONE 520-626-3765 |