

Pat Mora reads from her first two books of poems, Chants (1984) and Borders (1986), as well as poems that would later be published, sometimes in different versions, in Communion (1991) and Agua Santa (1997). Mora, who hails from El Paso, includes several poems about the desert in honor of what she describes as "probably the first time I have done a reading in another desert area."


Richard Nelson reads from Heart and Blood: Living with Deer in America (1997), including excerpts from the chapters "Heart of The Hunter" and "In Search of Eden." These chapters cover topics such as hunting and predation, and they are written through the lens of the author's experiences as an anthropologist in Alaska.


Sir Angus Wilson reads his early short story "What Do Hippos Eat" (1949), along with excerpts from his novels The Old Men at the Zoo (1961), No Laughing Matter (1967), and As If By Magic (1973).


Marcelo Hernandez Castillo shares new work commissioned by the Poetry Center as part of the Art for Justice series. Informed by Hernandez Castillo's work with youth in detention, these poems and video-text explore the relationship between facts and story as they communicate the pain of the carceral justice system. This reading was also given as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series, alongside Marwa Helal.

Poetry Center

1508 East Helen Street (at Vine Avenue)
Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
PHONE 520-626-3765 | poetry@email.arizona.edu