Johnson, Julie Swarstad. Beyond Earth's Edge: The Poetry of Spaceflight. Edited by Julie Swarstad Johnson and Christopher Cokinos. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020, pp. 124-125.
Otta, Tilsa. The Hormone of Darkness. Translated by Farid Matuk. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2024.
Gretel Ehrlich reads from and discusses the process of collaboration on Arctic Heart (1992), a series of poems composed for a ballet. She also reads excerpts from "The Fasting Heart," an essay on destruction and abundance in the natural world, collected in Islands, The Universe, Home (1991).
Eleanor Wilner reads poems from Reversing the Spell: New & Selected Poems (1998), The Girl with Bees in Her Hair (2004), and Tourist in Hell (2010), along with poems that would go on to be collected in Before Our Eyes: New and Selected Poems, 1975-2017 (2019).
Peruvian poet Tilsa Otta and translator Farid Matuk read from The Hormone of Darkness: A Playlist (2024) in both the original Spanish and the English translations. Otta shares poems that reflect on the self in relationship to lovers, the universe, and contemporary music including reggaeton and pop.