
Bei Dao reads from Old Snow (1991), Forms of Distance (1993), Landscape Over Zero (1996) and Unlock (2000). Dennis Evans reads the English translations.


Richard Siken reads poems that would later be published in Crush (2005). This reading was originally given with Brian Blanchfield.


Ellen Bryant Voigt reads from The Lotus Flowers (1987), Two Trees (1992), Kyrie (1995), and Shadow of Heaven (2002).


Richard Marius reads an excerpt from an early draft of his novel After the War (1992).


Richard and Nora Marks Dauenhauer read from their English translations of Tlingit poems and stories, providing fascinating explanations of the traditions behind the literature. They read first the original Tlingit and then the English translations. They conclude by reading from their own original poems.


Sir Angus Wilson reads his early short story "What Do Hippos Eat" (1949), along with excerpts from his novels The Old Men at the Zoo (1961), No Laughing Matter (1967), and As If By Magic (1973).


Ofelia Zepeda reads from her poems in O'odham and in English. She also reads from an unfinished translation of a story originally told by an O'odham medicine man.


Steve Orlen reads extensively from his collection The Bridge of Sighs (1992). His selections follow the book's four major themes, which he describes as poems of childhood, poems of love and marriage, poems of relationship, and poems of grace.


Diane Glancy reads a range of works on the theme of story, including a number of poems that would subsequently appear in The West Pole (1997) and (Ado)ration (1999). She also reads excerpts from Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears (1996) and closes the reading with a brief extract from Firesticks (1993). 

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