prose poetry
Sharon Olds reads poems from her large body of work. This reading includes early versions of several poems that would go on to be collected in The Wellspring (1996).
Leslie Scalapino reads work appearing in The Return of Painting, The Pearl, and Orion (1997) and Way (1988).
Sandra Alcosser reads from A Fish to Feed All Hunger (1986, reissued 1992) and a working manuscript for Except by Nature (1998), which would be published six years later. She describes her selections as creating a daybook, and the poems follow her moves between Montana, New Orleans, and San Diego. This reading was originally given with Pete Fromm.
Ira Sadoff reads from his collections Alcools (1964), Settling Down (1975), Palm Reading in Winter (1978), A Northern Calendar (1982), and Emotional Traffic (1989) in addition to one uncollected poem in translation.
Jon Anderson's performance from the Poetry Center's April 1980 tribute to James Wright includes work from three collections by Wright: To a Blossoming Pear Tree, Shall We Gather at the River, and Two Citizens. The tribute also includes readings by Richard Shelton, Ruth Gardner, Tom Owens, and Maura Stanton, and a closing poem by Anderson.
Here, Hass reads from his collections Field Guide (1973) and Praise (1979). He also reads poems that would later be published, under different titles, in his 1989 collection Human Wishes.
In his first visit to Tucson, Franz Wright reads prose pieces, most of which were unpublished at the time of his reading, as well as several lineated poems. He comments generously on his writing process and friendships with other poets.
C.D. Wright reads the first poem from her collection Tremble (1997) and a selection from String Light (1991), and discusses questions of process and craft.
Joy Harjo reads poems from The Woman Who Fell From the Sky (1994), along with the essay "Warrior Road." This reading was originally given with Leslie Marmon Silko.
Luis Alberto Urrea reads from Vatos (2000) and Nobody's Son: Notes from an American Life (2002), along with a poem that would later be collected in The Tijuana Book of the Dead (2015).
Barbara Anderson reads from her second collection of poems, Junk City (1987), as well as poems that would go on to appear in 1-800-911 (1997).
Renee Angle reads from her book-length poetry project WoO (2016). This reading was originally given with Wendy Burk.