
Hirshfield, Jane. The Lives of the Heart. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. 


Yanyi. The Year of Blue Water. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019.


Zapruder, Matthew. Father's Day. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2019.


David Ignatow reads widely from his work of the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s; this reading also includes several uncollected poems.


David Ignatow reads widely from his work. This reading includes poems collected in Facing the Tree (1975) and Tread the Dark (1978), as well as uncollected poems and early drafts of poems that would go on to appear in collections such as Whisper to the Earth (1981) and Leaving the Door Open (1984).


Billy Collins reads for the inaugural Tucson Festival of Books, including new poems that would be published two years later in Horoscopes for the Dead.


In celebration of the University of Arizona Poetry Center's 50th anniversary, former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins reads his poems, including work from the forthcoming collection Horoscopes for the Dead. He is joined by David Fitzsimmons, Howard Altmann, Jennifer Lee Carrell, and Ernesto Portillo, Jr., reading favorite poems by a variety of authors.


Cal Bedient reads poetry appearing in Candy Necklace (1997), The Violence of the Morning (2002), and Days of Unwilling (2008). Poems that went on to appear in the latter collection differ from their published versions.


In this reading and lecture, originally given with Elizabeth Bernays, poet and bookmaker Charles Alexander discusses his work with Chax Press.


This event, part poetry reading and part jazz concert, pairs the work of poet Nathaniel Mackey with the music of jazz pianist Marilyn Crispell, featuring solo performances by each artist as well as two collaborative performances.


Linda Hogan reads poems from her collections Calling Myself Home (1978), Seeing through the Sun (1985), Savings (1988), and The Book of Medicines (1993). The reading also includes an essay from Dwellings: A Spiritual History of the Living World (1995).


George Keithley reads from Song in a Strange Land (1974) and The Donner Party (1972).


Luis Alberto Urrea reads from Across the Wire: Life and Hard Times on the Mexican Border (1993), The Fever of Being (1994), Wandering Time: Western Notebooks (1999), and also from The Best American Poetry (1996).


Gretel Ehrlich reads from and discusses the process of collaboration on Arctic Heart (1992), a series of poems composed for a ballet. She also reads excerpts from "The Fasting Heart," an essay on destruction and abundance in the natural world, collected in Islands, The Universe, Home (1991).


In this artists' talk, photographer Seamus Murphy and journalist/poet Eliza Griswold discuss their experiences in Afghanistan and the poems and photographs featured in the exhibition Shame Every Rose: Images from Afghanistan. This exhibition, which traveled to the Poetry Center courtesy of the Poetry Foundation of Chicago, featured photographs presented in pairs to echo the couplet form of the landay, an oral folk poetry created by and for the Pashtun women who span the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The landays featured in this exhibit also appear in the June 2013 issue of Poetry magazine, as well as in the anthology I Am The Beggar of The World (2014).

Poetry Center

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