
Momaday, N. Scott. The Ancient Child. New York: Doubleday, 1989, pp.36-39, 257-260.


Richard Shelton reads from The Tattooed Desert (1970), as well as several poems from Journal of Return (1969) and Of All the Dirty Words (1972).


This reading, originally given with Leslie Marmon Silko, was Daryl Ross Begay's first public reading. 

In a performance for the first annual Tucson Festival of Books, Sherwin Bitsui reads from Shapeshift and the manuscript of Flood Song. This reading was originally given alongside a performance by Juan Felipe Herrera.

Luci Tapahonso reads from A Radiant Curve (2008). This reading was originally given with Alison Hawthorne Deming.


Sherwin Bitsui reads from his work in English and Navajo as part of a multilingual poetry reading also featuring Alberto Rios (reading in English and Spanish) and Ofelia Zepeda (reading in English and O'odham). The reading includes selections from Water, an artist book created by Karla Elling to commemorate the Poetry Center's 50th anniversary. "Water" features a chainlink of poetry composed and translated by Bitsui, Rios, Zepeda, and Zapotec poet Natalia Toledo.


Laura Tohe reads from Tséyi': Deep in the Rock; Reflections on Canyon de Chelly (2005), which pairs Tohe's texts with images by photographer Stephen E. Strom. Following Tohe's reading, Strom discusses the images contained in the book.


Luci Tapahonso reads for the 2011 Poetics and Politics Series. She reads work from several of her books, as well as unpublished poems.


Laura Tohe reads from No Parole Today (1999) and poems that would later be published in Tséyi'/Deep in the Rock: Reflections on Canyon de Chelly (2005). Stephen Strom, the photographer for Tséyi'/Deep in the Rock: Reflections on Canyon de Chelly, also briefly speaks about his work.


Daniel Lopez reads several of his poems and sings songs; this performance includes the poems "Preservation," "Village Progress," and "Naming," along with "Corn Planting Song."

This celebration of Ruth Wulpi Meenan's life and work includes reflections and excerpts from her biography, poems, and songs, performed by Francesca Jarvis, Edna Church, and David J. Ashcraft. At the end, the audience is invited to contribute memories and reflections, and the event concludes with orchestral/choral performances of "Silent Night," "Joy to the World," and Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus," among others.

Luci Tapahonso reads poems from throughout her career, including poems from her collection Sáanii Dahataal (the women are singing) (1993).


Luci Tapahonso reads from poems published throughout her career, many of them fueled by personal anecdotes.


Luci Tapahonso reads from her collections Seasonal Woman (1982) and A Breeze Swept Through (1987), beginning with a piece that combines spoken poetry with song.


Jerome Rothenberg performs a retrospective survey of his prolific body of work, beginning with poems written in the 1960s and continuing in chronological order. Most of the poems read here are collected in Eye of Witness: A Jerome Rothenberg Reader (2013). 


Bojan Louis reads from his poetry collection Currents (2017) along with other uncollected poems. This reading was originally given alongside Lehua M. Taitano

Poetry Center

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