
Lozano, Brenda. Brujas. Madrid: Alfaguara, 2020. (Spanish edition)

Lozano, Brenda. Witches. Translated by Heather Cleary. New York: Catapult, 2022, pp. 10-11. (English edition)


Eduardo C. Corral reads poems from Slow Lightning (2012) as well as new work. This reading was originally given with Natalie Diaz to inaugurate the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.


Joy Williams reads her short story "Escapes," the title piece of her 1990 collection of short fiction.


In this bilingual reading, Brenda Lozano reads from her novel Brujas (2020) in the original Spanish, as well as from Witches (2022), the English translation by Heather Cleary. The novel reflects on women, power, and language, centering on a shaman or bruja from an indigenous community in Mexico. Manuel Muñoz reads a portion of the English translation.

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