Berssenbrugge, Mei-mei. "A Context of a Wave." Conjunctions 17 (1991): 42-53.
Ellen Bryant Voigt reads what she describes as future work: poems from a manuscript that would be published two years after her reading as The Lotus Flowers.
Mei-mei Berssenbrugge reads poems from her collection Empathy (1989), together with a poem that would appear in Sphericity (1993). She also reads an uncollected long prose piece, "A Context of a Wave," which considers relationships between individuals and place, as well as between life and literature.
Stephanie Balzer performs prose poems from her chapbooks Revenant and faster, faster. She ends the reading with a discussion about her relationship with the prose poem form.
Gene Frumkin reads poems from The Rainbow-Walker (1968). This reading was originally given with Douglas Flaherty.
Aurelie Sheehan reads from Jewelry Box: A Collection of Histories (2013). This reading was originally given with Farid Matuk.