Finney, Nikky. Love Child's Hotbed of Occasional Poetry. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2020.
greathouse, torrin a. "Aubade Beginning in Handcuffs." Poetry, vol. 215, no. 1, October 2019, p. 8.
Yanyi. "The Kiss." Memorious, issue 28, November 2017. Web. Accessed 19 October 2023.
Yanyi. The Year of Blue Water. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019.
Yanyi. The Year of Blue Water. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019.
Yanyi. Dream of the Divided Field. New York: One World, 2022.
Murillo, John. Kontemporary Amerikan Poetry. New York: Four Way Books, 2020.
Morgan, Saretta. Alt-Nature. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2024.
Palacios, Gabriel. A Ten Peso Burial For Which Truth I Sign. Portland, OR: Fonograf Editions, 2024.
Ruefle, Mary. The Book. Seattle: Wave Books, 2023, pp. 53-54, 61-64.
Otta, Tilsa. The Hormone of Darkness. Translated by Farid Matuk. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2024.
Otta, Tilsa. The Hormone of Darkness. Translated by Farid Matuk. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2024.
Limón, Ada. The Hurting Kind. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2022.
Kaminsky, Ilya. Deaf Republic. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2019.
Steve Orlen reads poems that would go on to appear in his collection The Elephant's Child: New & Selected Poems, 1978-2005 (2006), as well as earlier and unpublished poems.
Jack Gilbert reads primarily from The Great Fires: Poems 1982-1992 (1995) and Refusing Heaven (2005).
Steve Orlen reads extensively from his collection The Bridge of Sighs (1992). His selections follow the book's four major themes, which he describes as poems of childhood, poems of love and marriage, poems of relationship, and poems of grace.
Natalie Shapero reads poems from Hard Child (2017) along with other uncollected poems.
Forrest Gander reads from his translation of Mexican poet Coral Bracho's It Must Be a Misunderstanding (2022), as well as from his own collection Twice Alive (2021). The reading begins with three poems by Gander's late wife, C.D. Wright, read by two other poets and Gander himself. Gander closes with his translation of a poem by Pablo Neruda published in Then Come Back: The Lost Neruda Poems (2016).
Yanyi reads from his two published collections, The Year of Blue Water (2019) and Dream of the Divided Field (2022), opening with two early, uncollected poems and closing with one recent draft. Intimacy emerges as a thematic center—in friendships, romantic relationships, and with the self.