Chang, Victoria. The Trees Witness Everything. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2022.
Chin, Marilyn. Portrait of the Self as Nation: New and Selected Poems. New York: W.W. Norton, 2018.
Farris, Katie. Standing in the Forest of Being Alive. New Gloucester: Alice James Books, 2023.
Robert Pack reads from Home From the Cemetery (1969), Nothing But Light (1972), Guarded by Women (1963), and Keeping Watch (1976).
W.S. Merwin reads from his most recent collections of poetry: The Lice (1967), The Carrier of Ladders (1970), and Writings to an Unfinished Accompaniment (1973). He also reads then-new work that would be collected in The Compass Flower (1977). Merwin opens the reading with prose from The Miner's Pale Children (1970) and also reads three prose pieces that would appear in Houses and Travellers (1977). Used with permission of the Wylie Agency LLC.
Here, Hass reads from his collections Field Guide (1973) and Praise (1979). He also reads poems that would later be published, under different titles, in his 1989 collection Human Wishes.
Quincy Troupe reads poems appearing in Avalanche (1996) and Choruses (1999).
In this reading, Robert Bly treats the audience to translations of Issa, Neruda, and Kabir more than five years before they began to be collected in his books. He also reads uncollected poems and poems from his book The Light Around the Body, which was published the year following this reading.
Gerald Vizenor reads a selection of his work and discusses haiku and visionary art. Most poems from this reading can be found in his 2006 collection Almost Ashore.
Spoken word artist Teré Fowler-Chapman performs selections from her work and the work of poet Sonia Sanchez at the 2014 Poetry Out Loud Regional Finals Competition. She is accompanied by violinist Samantha Bounkeua.
In this lecture titled "The Lives of the Poems," Joshua Beckman discusses his writing process and the physical experience of his poems. Included throughout are excerpts from unpublished poems written between 2008 and 2012.
Jane Miller opens her reading with "Miami Heart" and "The Poet," both from Memory at These Speeds: New and Selected Poems (1996). She continues with work from Wherever You Lay Your Head, published in 1999. This reading was originally given with Eleni Sikelianos.
Mary Ruefle reads poems that would be collected in Dunce (2019) as well as poems from My Private Property (2016) and works that remain uncollected. She also reads poems by W.S. Graham, Antipatros as translated by Kenneth Rexroth, and Annabel Laurance, as well as several humorous found texts, including an inscription from a poetry book found at Goodwill.