
Jane Hirshfield reads poems from Of Gravity & Angels (1988), The October Palace (1994), and The Lives of the Heart (1997).


Gretel Ehrlich reads from and discusses the process of collaboration on Arctic Heart (1992), a series of poems composed for a ballet. She also reads excerpts from "The Fasting Heart," an essay on destruction and abundance in the natural world, collected in Islands, The Universe, Home (1991).


William Olsen reads primarily poems that would go on to be collected in Trouble Lights (2002), including "A Cat," "The Human Heart," "To A Fly," "Ruin Outlasting Sorrow," and "Black Globe." This reading was originally given with Nancy Eimers.


This reading was originally scheduled as a joint appearance by Brazilian poet Adélia Prado and her translator Ellen Doré Watson, but Prado was unable to travel due to health issues. Watson thus reads her translations of Prado's poetry, as collected in The Alphabet in the Park: Selected Poems (1990), and plays recordings of Prado reading some of her poetry in the original Portuguese.

Poetry Center

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