Barrington, Judith. "Countries." History and Geography. Portland, Oregon: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1989. Differs slightly from published version.
"Instructions to the Reader of Poetry." Uncollected.
"Horses and the Human Soul." Horses and the Human Soul. Ashland, Oregon: Story Line Press, 2004. Differs from published version.
"Photograph, Scotland, Circa 1950." Horses and the Human Soul. Ashland, Oregon: Story Line Press, 2004.
"Four Reasons for Destroying a Spider's Web." Horses and the Human Soul. Ashland, Oregon: Story Line Press, 2004.
"Word Bank." Uncollected.
"The Dyke with No Name Thinks about Landscape." Horses and the Human Soul. Ashland, Oregon: Story Line Press, 2004. Differs from published version.
"Layers of Sound." Uncollected.
"History and Geography." History and Geography. Portland, Oregon: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1989.
"Mother and Daughter at the Y." History and Geography. Portland, Oregon: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1989.
"For a Friend whose Lover has Left." History and Geography. Portland, Oregon: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1989. Differs slightly from published version.
"Why Young Girls Like to Ride Bareback." Horses and the Human Soul. Ashland, Oregon: Story Line Press, 2004. Differs slightly from published version.
"Listen." History and Geography. Portland, Oregon: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1989.
Peter Redgrove reads poems in a dramatic style on the subject of water, which, as he notes, "in Arizona you appreciate," and which is central to his work. He reads from The Nature of Cold Weather (1961), The Force (1966), and Dr Faust's Sea-Spiral Spirit (1972). This reading was originally given alongside D.M. Thomas and includes one track of collaborative reading with Thomas.
Here, Hass reads from his collections Field Guide (1973) and Praise (1979). He also reads poems that would later be published, under different titles, in his 1989 collection Human Wishes.
Judith Barrington reads from History and Geography (1989) along with poems that would go on to be collected in Horses and the Human Soul (2004) and several that remain uncollected. The poems she selects for this reading center on place, landscape, memory, and Lesbian identity; horses recur throughout.