

Charles Bernstein and Tracie Morris perform as part of the Poetry Center's Conceptual Poetry and Its Others Symposium.


Featured poets Caroline Bergvall, Charles Bernstein, Christian Bök, Craig Dworkin, Kenneth Goldsmith, Tracie Morris, and Cole Swensen provide a wide range of responses to questions proposed by Tenney Nathanson. This panel was part of the Conceptual Poetry and Its Others Symposium.


Caroline Bergvall reads poems that would go on to be published in her collection Meddle English (2011). This reading was originally given alongside Cole Swensen and Christian Bök.


Christian Bök performs work from Eunoia (2001) and unpublished pieces in a reading for the Poetry Center's Conceptual Poetry and Its Others symposium. This reading was originally given alongside Caroline Bergvall and Cole Swensen.


Cole Swensen reads from Ours (2008) and a work in progress about ghosts that would go on to be published as Gravesend (2012). This reading was originally presented alongside Caroline Bergvall and Christian Bök.


A reading celebrating the release of I'll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women, edited by Caroline Bergvall, Laynie Browne, Teresa Carmody, and Vanessa Place.

Poetry Center

1508 East Helen Street (at Vine Avenue)
Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
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