Appeared in the exhibition The Place Where Clouds Are Formed, on display at The Poetry Center and The Center for Creative Photography from April 4-August 31, 2024.
Appeared in the exhibition The Place Where Clouds Are Formed, on display at The Poetry Center and The Center for Creative Photography from April 4-August 31, 2024.
Appeared in the exhibition The Place Where Clouds Are Formed, on display at The Poetry Center and The Center for Creative Photography from April 4-August 31, 2024.
John Ciardi reads widely from his work, including children's verse, two long poems from his then-forthcoming Lives of X (1971), and poems that would later be published in The Little That Is All (1974) and The Birds of Pompeii (1985).
Carolyn Kizer reads poems from Yin (1984), Mermaids In the Basement (1984), and Cool, Calm & Collected (2001). This reading was originally given with Marina Rivera.
X.J. Kennedy reads from Nude Descending a Staircase (1961) and Cross Ties: Selected Poems (1985), commenting humorously on many of the poems and performing several as songs.
Richard Russo reads the title story from his collection The Whore's Child and Other Stories (2002).
Claribel Alegría reads poems and prose from Luisa in Realityland (1987), Woman of the River (1989), Fugues (1993), and Thresholds / Umbrales (1996).
Australian poets Vincent Buckley, Les Murray, and David Malouf visit Tucson to read their work, also providing background and commentary. Les Murray reads a selection of poems in chronological order, including his oldest poem "The Burning Crook." Vincent Buckley reads from Golden Builders (1976), Late Winter Child (1979), and The Pattern (1979), as well as some unpublished poems. David Malouf reads both poetry and passages from his novel An Imaginary Life (1978).
Jim Simmerman reads from a manuscript that would become his collection Kingdom Come (1999), a series of persona poems written in the voices of various Biblical characters. Jewell Parker Rhodes reads from her first novel, Voodoo Dreams: A Novel of Marie Laveau (1993), inspired by the life of the famed 19th century Voodoo Queen. She reads two scenes from the novel, the first set just before Marie Laveau's tenth birthday, and the second during the performance of one of Laveau's greatest miracles.