

Hirshfield, Jane. Ledger. New York: Knopf, 2020. 


Chin, Marilyn. Sage. New York: W.W. Norton, 2023. 


In this performance, Allen Ginsberg reads from Howl (1956), Kaddish (1961), and Reality Sandwiches (1963). He also discusses his writing process and reads some unpublished excerpts.


Ruth Stephan reads from Various Poems (1963) and Poems for Nothing (1973). She also reads unpublished works.


Ruth Stephan reads from her collection Various Poems (1963). She also reads uncollected poems, one of which responds to John F. Kennedy's assassination a year prior.


Gretel Ehrlich reads from and discusses the process of collaboration on Arctic Heart (1992), a series of poems composed for a ballet. She also reads excerpts from "The Fasting Heart," an essay on destruction and abundance in the natural world, collected in Islands, The Universe, Home (1991).


Norman Fischer reads poems from I Was Blown Back (2005) and Questions/Places/Voices/Seasons (2009), along with one uncollected poem and a poem by Rodney Koeneke. He also answers questions from the audience.

Poetry Center

1508 East Helen Street (at Vine Avenue)
Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
PHONE 520-626-3765 | poetry@email.arizona.edu