

Goldberg, Beckian Fritz. Never Be the Horse. Akron: University of Akron Press, 1999.


Limón, Ada. Bright Dead Things. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2015.


James Welch reads poems from his collection Riding the Earthboy 40 (1971). He also reads one poem that would remain uncollected.


Lucy Corin reads from her short story collection, One Hundred Apocalypses and Other Apocalypses (2013).


Johanna Skibsrud reads from The Description of the World (2016) as well as from a manuscript-in-progress titled Medium. This reading was originally given with Cynthia Hogue.


Camille Rankine reads poems from Incorrect Merciful Impulses (2016), as well as uncollected poems. This reading was originally given with Ocean Vuong.


Rigoberto González reads from his memoir What Drowns the Flowers in Your Mouth: A Memoir of Brotherhood (2018) and his newest collection of poetry The Book of Ruin (2019).


Brenda Hillman reads from In a Few Minutes Before Later (2022), her eleventh collection of poetry, including poems set during the COVID-19 pandemic. She briefly discusses her translation—done in collaboration with her mother—of Brazilian poet Ana Cristina Cesar, and closes with two new poems focused on her mother's garden and her childhood home.

Poetry Center

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Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
PHONE 520-626-3765 | poetry@email.arizona.edu