Diaz, Natalie. Postcolonial Love Poem. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2020.
sax, sam. "Never Again is Now." Hyperallergic. 16 October 2019. Web. Accessed 29 May 2024.
Goldberg, Beckian Fritz. Never Be the Horse. Akron: University of Akron Press, 1999.
Tejada, Roberto. Why the Assembly Disbanded. New York: Fordham University Press, 2022.
Cervantes, Lorna Dee. April on Olympia. East Rockaway, New York: Marsh Hawk Press, 2021.
López, Manuel Paul. Nerve Curriculum. New York: Futurepoem Books, 2023.
Johnson, Julie Swarstad. "Night Letters (October 2020).", October 31, 2022. Web. Accessed 24 January 2024.
Fuit, Aleksander. Foreword. Czesław Miłosz in Postwar America, by Ewa Kołodziejczyk. Trans. Michał Janowski. Warsaw/Berlin: De Gruyter Poland Ltd, 2020, p. xii.
Maldonado, Sheila. that's what you get. New York: Brooklyn Arts Press, 2021.
Reeves, Roger. Dark Days: Fugitive Essays. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2023, pp. 68-73.
Limón, Ada. Lucky Wreck. Pittsburgh: Autumn House Press, 2006.
Limón, Ada. The Carrying. Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2018.
Paul Zimmer reads from The Republic of Many Voices (1969), along with poems that would be published in The Zimmer Poems (1976) or remain uncollected. Making use of persona, narrative, and humor, he addresses topics such as childhood, identity, and mortality.
Solmaz Sharif reads poems from her collection Look (2016). This reading was originally given with Danniel Schoonebeek as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.
Julie Iromuanya reads from her novel Mr. and Mrs. Doctor (2015) as well as from an unpublished novel. This reading was originally given with Karen Brennan.
Claudia Rankine reads from and discusses Citizen (2014). This reading incorporates artwork included in Citizen as well as other visual materials, including additional works by artists featured in Citizen and the video essay "Situation 8" by Claudia Rankine and John Lucas.
Camille Rankine reads poems from Incorrect Merciful Impulses (2016), as well as uncollected poems. This reading was originally given with Ocean Vuong.
Reginald Dwayne Betts reads from his poetry collection Bastards of the Reagan Era (2015), along with one uncollected poem.
Giancarlo Huapaya gives a gallery performance related to the exhibit BirúPirúPerú: Collective Projects of Peruvian Visual Poetry, on display at the Poetry Center from August 21 to November 22, 2017. His performance makes use of the inaugural addresses of nine United States Presidents, from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump.
Farid Matuk reads poems from The Real Horse (2018), along with one poem, "Scale Up," that would later appear in the award-winning artist book, Redolent (2022), a collaboration between Matuk and visual artist Nancy Friedemann-Sánchez. This reading was originally given with Jane Miller.
Marwa Helal reads poems from her first two full-length collections, Invasive Species (2019) and Ante Body (2022). This reading was given alongside Marcelo Hernandez Castillo as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.