Chin, Marilyn. Sage. New York: W.W. Norton, 2023.
Reeves, Roger. Best Barbarian. New York: W.W. Norton, 2022.
Matt Hart reads primarily from Revelated (2005), Who's Who Vivid (2005), and Wolf Face (2010). This reading was originally given with Dean Young.
Rebecca Seiferle reads poems from The Ripped-Out Seam (1993), The Music We Dance To (1999), and Bitters (2001).
W.S. Merwin reads poems from collections spanning four decades of work, including poems that would be collected three years later in Travels (1993). Used with permission of the Wylie Agency LLC.
Carl Phillips reads poems from Wild Is the Wind (2018) along with other poems that would later appear in the chapbook Star Map with Action Figures (2019) and the collection Pale Colors in a Tall Field (2020).
Marilyn Chin reads from her sixth collection, Sage (2023), sharing poems that employ humor, puns, rhyme, allusions to Chinese and English literature, and a wide array of traditional and modified verse forms. Chin opens the reading by performing from memory two poems from A Portrait of the Self as Nation: New and Selected Poems (2018).
Roger Reeves reads poems from his second book, Best Barbarian (2022), together with a prose excerpt from Dark Days: Fugitive Essays (2023) and new poems. Reeves' work in this reading highlights the violence inherent in the United States—both as an idea and as a reality. His poems and prose frequently include allusions to canonical and contemporary literature, American history and politics, and hip hop.