

Gander, Forrest. Twice Alive. New York: New Directions, 2021.


Cody, Anthony. Borderland Apocrypha. Oakland: Omnidawn Publishing, 2020. 


Vang, Mai Der. Yellow Rain. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2021. 


Wendy Burk discusses and reads from her translation of Tedi López Mills' Against the Current (2016) and her own first collection of poems, Tree Talks: Southern Arizona (2016). This reading was originally given with Renee Angle.


Brian Teare reads new and uncollected work and discusses ecopoetics, ecofeminism, and climate change. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.


Alison Hawthorne Deming discusses the Climate Change & Poetry Series. She also reads from Stairway to Heaven (2016) and from uncollected work. This reading was given as part of the Climate Change & Poetry Series.


Lorna Dee Cervantes reads from her unpublished manuscript titled Fire: Poems Against Pandemic, as well as from her latest published collection, April on Olympia (2021). In these poems, Cervantes touches upon grief, connectedness with the earth, and climate change. She also pays poetic tribute to a range of figures that include her grandmother, a homeroom teacher from junior high, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the writers Julia Alvarez and Allen Ginsberg.


Brenda Hillman reads from In a Few Minutes Before Later (2022), her eleventh collection of poetry, including poems set during the COVID-19 pandemic. She briefly discusses her translation—done in collaboration with her mother—of Brazilian poet Ana Cristina Cesar, and closes with two new poems focused on her mother's garden and her childhood home.


CAConrad reads from Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return (2024), an ecopoetic work considering animal and human realities in the Anthropocene. To open, CAConrad briefly discusses and reads from Amanda Paradise: Resurrect Extinct Vibration (2021); to close, they read one poem from the chapbook First Light (2024). This reading was presented in connection with CAConrad's exhibit 500 Places at Once on display at MOCA Tucson.

Poetry Center

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