WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.720 align:middle line:90% 00:00:00.720 --> 00:00:08.700 align:middle line:84% I'm going to try something new tonight, 00:00:08.700 --> 00:00:10.920 align:middle line:84% and it involves this little thing here. 00:00:10.920 --> 00:00:15.570 align:middle line:90% 00:00:15.570 --> 00:00:18.810 align:middle line:90% I think I did it. 00:00:18.810 --> 00:00:20.955 align:middle line:84% This is called "One Adobe at a Time." 00:00:20.955 --> 00:00:25.290 align:middle line:90% 00:00:25.290 --> 00:00:29.280 align:middle line:84% "We coiled each row with mud bricks, 00:00:29.280 --> 00:00:35.370 align:middle line:84% lifting, measuring, shaping one adobe at a time. 00:00:35.370 --> 00:00:42.000 align:middle line:84% This earth vessel rounded into rooms we raise our children in, 00:00:42.000 --> 00:00:46.950 align:middle line:84% staggered bricks of straw mud and sand 00:00:46.950 --> 00:00:51.810 align:middle line:84% like the Towa before us who sculpted their own shelters 00:00:51.810 --> 00:01:00.340 align:middle line:84% upward, in basic uneven layers one adobe at a time. 00:01:00.340 --> 00:01:02.530 align:middle line:84% In our vessel there are thousands 00:01:02.530 --> 00:01:07.030 align:middle line:84% of adobes anchored to a solid bed of concrete, 00:01:07.030 --> 00:01:14.660 align:middle line:84% evenly distributing the weight of wall 17 feet high. 00:01:14.660 --> 00:01:19.520 align:middle line:84% My husband designed our cradle of packed earth, 00:01:19.520 --> 00:01:25.640 align:middle line:84% keeping with the adobe tradition of simple wavering lines that 00:01:25.640 --> 00:01:33.470 align:middle line:84% move quietly, curving in and out of rooms one after the other. 00:01:33.470 --> 00:01:38.210 align:middle line:84% Plastering, molding, and repacking an endless supply 00:01:38.210 --> 00:01:41.750 align:middle line:84% of bricks until our mud shell stood 00:01:41.750 --> 00:01:45.170 align:middle line:90% upright, massive and invincible. 00:01:45.170 --> 00:01:49.610 align:middle line:84% Sounds easily surrender to walls absorbing 00:01:49.610 --> 00:01:52.880 align:middle line:90% the details of our lives. 00:01:52.880 --> 00:01:57.590 align:middle line:84% Coughs from sick children, romantic whispers, 00:01:57.590 --> 00:02:04.010 align:middle line:84% and heated debates all digested into porous layers of mortar. 00:02:04.010 --> 00:02:09.530 align:middle line:84% I shake my head, thinking only Mother Earth would permit such 00:02:09.530 --> 00:02:14.510 align:middle line:84% a burden, allowing us to dig foundations into her skin, 00:02:14.510 --> 00:02:20.210 align:middle line:84% and for giving us the weight of tons and tons of mass, 00:02:20.210 --> 00:02:24.980 align:middle line:90% yet holding us safe and steady. 00:02:24.980 --> 00:02:29.870 align:middle line:84% Our vessel made from her brown solid skin. 00:02:29.870 --> 00:02:35.750 align:middle line:84% Earth mother, giving all that she is one adobe at a time." 00:02:35.750 --> 00:02:38.450 align:middle line:90% 00:02:38.450 --> 00:02:40.000 align:middle line:90% [APPLAUSE] 00:02:40.000 --> 00:02:45.000 align:middle line:90%