WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.460 align:middle line:90% 00:00:02.460 --> 00:00:09.660 align:middle line:84% I want to read two very different pieces of prose 00:00:09.660 --> 00:00:14.920 align:middle line:84% about three years apart in writing. 00:00:14.920 --> 00:00:20.025 align:middle line:84% The first is a small story called A Miser. 00:00:20.025 --> 00:00:25.576 align:middle line:90% 00:00:25.576 --> 00:00:32.700 align:middle line:84% And some of the prose pieces in since The Miner's Pale 00:00:32.700 --> 00:00:36.680 align:middle line:84% Children are more deliberately not 00:00:36.680 --> 00:00:39.920 align:middle line:84% staying within so much as exploring different kinds 00:00:39.920 --> 00:00:43.130 align:middle line:84% of narrative rather than different kinds of address. 00:00:43.130 --> 00:00:48.390 align:middle line:90% 00:00:48.390 --> 00:00:51.450 align:middle line:84% A man was able to get hold of all the laughter in the world 00:00:51.450 --> 00:00:53.970 align:middle line:84% and he packed it tightly and locked it up in his house 00:00:53.970 --> 00:00:56.700 align:middle line:90% and hid the key. 00:00:56.700 --> 00:00:59.880 align:middle line:84% The trouble was that nobody missed it. 00:00:59.880 --> 00:01:02.910 align:middle line:84% He had to tell them what they were missing. 00:01:02.910 --> 00:01:07.830 align:middle line:84% Nobody knew what he was talking about, nobody believed him, 00:01:07.830 --> 00:01:11.460 align:middle line:84% nobody thought that what he was talking about was real. 00:01:11.460 --> 00:01:13.980 align:middle line:84% Who could believe that after all? 00:01:13.980 --> 00:01:16.207 align:middle line:84% Would anyone believe it if someone came up to him 00:01:16.207 --> 00:01:18.540 align:middle line:84% and told him that they had all the laughter in the world 00:01:18.540 --> 00:01:20.467 align:middle line:90% locked up somewhere? 00:01:20.467 --> 00:01:22.800 align:middle line:84% Would anyone believe it even if neither of them laughed? 00:01:22.800 --> 00:01:26.350 align:middle line:90% 00:01:26.350 --> 00:01:29.260 align:middle line:84% He tried to describe laughter to them, 00:01:29.260 --> 00:01:31.990 align:middle line:90% he showed them how it was done. 00:01:31.990 --> 00:01:33.400 align:middle line:84% He showed different ways in which 00:01:33.400 --> 00:01:36.340 align:middle line:90% different people could laugh. 00:01:36.340 --> 00:01:38.980 align:middle line:84% He told them all the things that made people do it, 00:01:38.980 --> 00:01:44.650 align:middle line:84% everything he could remember or invent people falling down, 00:01:44.650 --> 00:01:49.450 align:middle line:84% filth, people making terrible mistakes, 00:01:49.450 --> 00:01:52.660 align:middle line:84% people unable to control themselves, 00:01:52.660 --> 00:01:56.530 align:middle line:84% misfortunes of all kinds, people with something to matter 00:01:56.530 --> 00:01:58.390 align:middle line:90% with them, no interest. 00:01:58.390 --> 00:02:01.005 align:middle line:90% 00:02:01.005 --> 00:02:03.130 align:middle line:84% He told them that it would be good for their health 00:02:03.130 --> 00:02:06.700 align:middle line:84% and that he would not make it expensive for them, 00:02:06.700 --> 00:02:09.075 align:middle line:90% no interest. 00:02:09.075 --> 00:02:11.200 align:middle line:84% There were many things about it that he didn't even 00:02:11.200 --> 00:02:14.530 align:middle line:90% know he said, no interest. 00:02:14.530 --> 00:02:18.640 align:middle line:84% It had been called divine he said, no interest. 00:02:18.640 --> 00:02:22.090 align:middle line:84% But the man kept on trying because at least at night he 00:02:22.090 --> 00:02:23.860 align:middle line:84% could always go home and take out the key 00:02:23.860 --> 00:02:26.260 align:middle line:84% and open up some and have a good laugh to himself. 00:02:26.260 --> 00:02:31.010 align:middle line:90% 00:02:31.010 --> 00:02:33.170 align:middle line:84% But then one night he started to laugh at himself 00:02:33.170 --> 00:02:35.540 align:middle line:90% and that made him lonely. 00:02:35.540 --> 00:02:38.390 align:middle line:84% He tried to invite somebody else in the laugh, 00:02:38.390 --> 00:02:40.700 align:middle line:90% but it was very hard. 00:02:40.700 --> 00:02:43.940 align:middle line:84% He even said he would give the laughter away, 00:02:43.940 --> 00:02:47.450 align:middle line:90% that somebody else laughed. 00:02:47.450 --> 00:02:50.030 align:middle line:84% So that person remembered how to laugh. 00:02:50.030 --> 00:02:52.520 align:middle line:90% So that person was on his side. 00:02:52.520 --> 00:02:54.680 align:middle line:90% They were laughing together. 00:02:54.680 --> 00:02:57.770 align:middle line:84% Somebody else was laughing with him, 00:02:57.770 --> 00:02:59.660 align:middle line:84% but that meant that somebody else had some 00:02:59.660 --> 00:03:01.430 align:middle line:90% of the laughter in the world. 00:03:01.430 --> 00:03:05.360 align:middle line:84% So he started making plans to steal it, 00:03:05.360 --> 00:03:08.410 align:middle line:84% but the other person kept giving it away. 00:03:08.410 --> 00:03:21.000 align:middle line:90%