WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.290 align:middle line:90% 00:00:01.290 --> 00:00:01.980 align:middle line:90% All right. 00:00:01.980 --> 00:00:06.930 align:middle line:84% We're going to keep going with poetry and chat 00:00:06.930 --> 00:00:08.530 align:middle line:90% about the process. 00:00:08.530 --> 00:00:13.320 align:middle line:84% So I think we have Nicole, if you'd like to share, 00:00:13.320 --> 00:00:15.930 align:middle line:90% and then we'll do another round. 00:00:15.930 --> 00:00:18.490 align:middle line:90% 00:00:18.490 --> 00:00:19.000 align:middle line:90% Thank you. 00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:19.775 align:middle line:90% Thank you, John. 00:00:19.775 --> 00:00:22.360 align:middle line:90% You know I love that poem. 00:00:22.360 --> 00:00:25.810 align:middle line:84% I'm the Nikki Black from Apopka Way. 00:00:25.810 --> 00:00:27.110 align:middle line:90% I knew it. 00:00:27.110 --> 00:00:29.170 align:middle line:90% I was like-- I don't know. 00:00:29.170 --> 00:00:31.480 align:middle line:90% I'm like, OK if I infer this-- 00:00:31.480 --> 00:00:33.280 align:middle line:90% I was like, seems like it. 00:00:33.280 --> 00:00:35.260 align:middle line:90% It's me. 00:00:35.260 --> 00:00:37.870 align:middle line:84% I want to go back to what Hanif was saying earlier 00:00:37.870 --> 00:00:42.700 align:middle line:84% about the process of erasure, and wanting 00:00:42.700 --> 00:00:50.320 align:middle line:84% to revise a document that felt like it was wanting revision. 00:00:50.320 --> 00:00:54.790 align:middle line:84% And I think I feel and felt similarly 00:00:54.790 --> 00:00:58.780 align:middle line:84% in revising the Ferguson Report, in that I 00:00:58.780 --> 00:01:10.540 align:middle line:84% wanted to revise a present tense that felt just hard to be in. 00:01:10.540 --> 00:01:17.610 align:middle line:84% And so wanting to revise a present and a past, 00:01:17.610 --> 00:01:26.760 align:middle line:84% outcomes that have all too often been the death of many of us, 00:01:26.760 --> 00:01:29.180 align:middle line:84% I set out to erase this with hopefully-- 00:01:29.180 --> 00:01:32.300 align:middle line:84% I'm not done yet-- hopefully, an ending 00:01:32.300 --> 00:01:35.150 align:middle line:84% that is a revision to all the endings we've 00:01:35.150 --> 00:01:39.470 align:middle line:90% seen in these types of reports. 00:01:39.470 --> 00:01:41.240 align:middle line:84% And so hopefully, life will be at the end 00:01:41.240 --> 00:01:43.430 align:middle line:90% of this instead of death. 00:01:43.430 --> 00:01:47.900 align:middle line:84% So I'm going to end with a short excerpt from The Ferguson 00:01:47.900 --> 00:01:55.490 align:middle line:84% Report: An Erasure, and this is pages 5 to 8. 00:01:55.490 --> 00:02:00.430 align:middle line:90% 00:02:00.430 --> 00:02:06.960 align:middle line:84% "Officials Found Our Conduct Caused Official Harm." 00:02:06.960 --> 00:02:13.170 align:middle line:84% "Officials found us at home in the high grass 00:02:13.170 --> 00:02:21.220 align:middle line:84% of relative safety, under a God elected by men. 00:02:21.220 --> 00:02:24.750 align:middle line:90% We are in contempt, he said. 00:02:24.750 --> 00:02:31.090 align:middle line:84% We have violated the violations, he said, at which point 00:02:31.090 --> 00:02:37.370 align:middle line:84% we began to set in concert with the sun." 00:02:37.370 --> 00:02:40.200 align:middle line:90% Thank you. 00:02:40.200 --> 00:02:42.330 align:middle line:90% Thank you, Nicole. 00:02:42.330 --> 00:02:45.330 align:middle line:90% It's beautiful work. 00:02:45.330 --> 00:02:49.200 align:middle line:84% Redaction, or erasures-- people are calling them different 00:02:49.200 --> 00:02:51.465 align:middle line:90% things, found poems-- 00:02:51.465 --> 00:02:55.008 align:middle line:90% 00:02:55.008 --> 00:02:57.450 align:middle line:90% I think it's challenging. 00:02:57.450 --> 00:03:01.680 align:middle line:84% It's challenging to do them, to create a new meaning 00:03:01.680 --> 00:03:03.780 align:middle line:84% from something that is already said. 00:03:03.780 --> 00:03:06.270 align:middle line:84% And then the other thing is, I also 00:03:06.270 --> 00:03:09.750 align:middle line:84% think the layer of writing on behalf 00:03:09.750 --> 00:03:14.140 align:middle line:84% of some very bad things that are occurring, 00:03:14.140 --> 00:03:16.120 align:middle line:90% that's another tension. 00:03:16.120 --> 00:03:17.680 align:middle line:90% And where do you take that to? 00:03:17.680 --> 00:03:19.960 align:middle line:84% And do you tease out what is actually 00:03:19.960 --> 00:03:23.650 align:middle line:84% there in those documents, or do you try and circumvent 00:03:23.650 --> 00:03:24.520 align:middle line:90% the documents? 00:03:24.520 --> 00:03:27.250 align:middle line:84% And Hanif mentioned this, and I think 00:03:27.250 --> 00:03:30.470 align:middle line:84% everyone has mentioned the word resistance. 00:03:30.470 --> 00:03:33.580 align:middle line:84% And I think that that's what happens a lot in the found 00:03:33.580 --> 00:03:34.900 align:middle line:90% poems and the redactions. 00:03:34.900 --> 00:03:36.740 align:middle line:84% There's just so much resistance there. 00:03:36.740 --> 00:03:39.590 align:middle line:84% And I just think that you did a beautiful work with that. 00:03:39.590 --> 00:03:41.420 align:middle line:90% So I just wanted to share that. 00:03:41.420 --> 00:03:42.760 align:middle line:90% Thank you so much, Diana. 00:03:42.760 --> 00:03:44.110 align:middle line:90% Thank you 00:03:44.110 --> 00:03:44.830 align:middle line:90% Gorgeous work. 00:03:44.830 --> 00:03:46.650 align:middle line:90% Thank you.