WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.540 align:middle line:90% 00:00:00.540 --> 00:00:05.610 align:middle line:84% And this-- I have the misfortune of getting-- 00:00:05.610 --> 00:00:09.090 align:middle line:84% of having tension headaches, sometimes 00:00:09.090 --> 00:00:11.460 align:middle line:90% set off by any old thing. 00:00:11.460 --> 00:00:13.980 align:middle line:84% And of course they always strike in the middle 00:00:13.980 --> 00:00:15.390 align:middle line:90% of the night, which is-- 00:00:15.390 --> 00:00:19.035 align:middle line:84% or rather the wolf hour of the night, somewhere between 4:00 00:00:19.035 --> 00:00:21.660 align:middle line:84% and 5:00 in the morning when you really don't want to be awake. 00:00:21.660 --> 00:00:27.020 align:middle line:90% 00:00:27.020 --> 00:00:29.560 align:middle line:90% So "Headaches." 00:00:29.560 --> 00:00:31.100 align:middle line:90% Wine again. 00:00:31.100 --> 00:00:34.760 align:middle line:84% The downside of any evening's bright exchanges 00:00:34.760 --> 00:00:37.370 align:middle line:90% scribbled with retribution. 00:00:37.370 --> 00:00:41.720 align:middle line:84% Stark awake, a tick throbs in the left temple 00:00:41.720 --> 00:00:45.590 align:middle line:90% site of bombardment. 00:00:45.590 --> 00:00:48.740 align:middle line:84% Tortured syntax, thorned thoughts, 00:00:48.740 --> 00:00:51.470 align:middle line:84% vocabulary like a forest littered 00:00:51.470 --> 00:00:53.870 align:middle line:90% with unexploded cluster bombs. 00:00:53.870 --> 00:00:59.930 align:middle line:84% No exit except explosion ripping the branches. 00:00:59.930 --> 00:01:05.120 align:middle line:84% Stacks of shadowed books on the bedside table, wall a jar 00:01:05.120 --> 00:01:06.680 align:middle line:90% of Tiger Balm. 00:01:06.680 --> 00:01:10.820 align:middle line:84% You grope for its glass netsuke hexagon. 00:01:10.820 --> 00:01:15.770 align:middle line:84% Teak stabs, dull pain supersedes voices. 00:01:15.770 --> 00:01:21.210 align:middle line:84% Skills, obsessive one sided conversations. 00:01:21.210 --> 00:01:26.580 align:middle line:84% Turn from mouths you never will kiss, a neck your fingers 00:01:26.580 --> 00:01:30.100 align:middle line:84% will not trace to a golden shoulder. 00:01:30.100 --> 00:01:33.000 align:middle line:90% Think of your elders. 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:36.660 align:middle line:84% If, in fact, they died, the interlocutors 00:01:36.660 --> 00:01:40.620 align:middle line:84% who, alive, recede into incoherence, 00:01:40.620 --> 00:01:45.030 align:middle line:84% you would write the elegy, feel clean grief 00:01:45.030 --> 00:01:48.210 align:middle line:90% still asking them questions. 00:01:48.210 --> 00:01:52.860 align:middle line:84% Though you know it's you who'd provide the answers. 00:01:52.860 --> 00:01:57.510 align:middle line:84% Auden's old people's home, Larkin's the old fools, 00:01:57.510 --> 00:02:00.900 align:middle line:84% are what come to mind, not Yeats. 00:02:00.900 --> 00:02:04.230 align:middle line:84% In a not so distant past, someone 00:02:04.230 --> 00:02:08.280 align:middle line:84% poured a glass of wine at 3:00 in the morning, laid a fool's 00:02:08.280 --> 00:02:10.800 align:middle line:90% cap pad on the kitchen table. 00:02:10.800 --> 00:02:15.660 align:middle line:84% Mind a spark from the long loquacious dinner two hours 00:02:15.660 --> 00:02:17.220 align:middle line:90% behind her. 00:02:17.220 --> 00:02:22.770 align:middle line:84% And you got a postcard of '50s jazz club next day across town 00:02:22.770 --> 00:02:27.780 align:middle line:84% where she scrawled, she'd found the tail end of a good Sancerre 00:02:27.780 --> 00:02:32.400 align:middle line:84% in the fridge, and finished her chapter. 00:02:32.400 --> 00:02:36.630 align:middle line:84% Now she barely knows her friends when you visit. 00:02:36.630 --> 00:02:40.830 align:middle line:84% Drill and mallet work on your forehead, bust up, 00:02:40.830 --> 00:02:44.310 align:middle line:84% and it is Margaret you mourn for. 00:02:44.310 --> 00:02:47.970 align:middle line:90% Get up, go to the bathroom. 00:02:47.970 --> 00:02:49.470 align:middle line:90% You take the drugs. 00:02:49.470 --> 00:02:52.350 align:middle line:90% Synapses buzz and click. 00:02:52.350 --> 00:02:56.120 align:middle line:84% You turn the bed lamp on, open a book. 00:02:56.120 --> 00:02:59.240 align:middle line:84% Vaso-constrictor and barbiturate make words 00:02:59.240 --> 00:03:01.580 align:middle line:90% in oval light reverberate. 00:03:01.580 --> 00:03:05.560 align:middle line:84% The sky begins to pale at 6 o'clock. 00:03:05.560 --> 00:03:07.000 align:middle line:90%