WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:08.330 align:middle line:90% 00:00:08.330 --> 00:00:12.560 align:middle line:84% I just wanted to ask, what would happen in the front row 00:00:12.560 --> 00:00:14.750 align:middle line:84% if there was a white guy an Asian woman 00:00:14.750 --> 00:00:16.010 align:middle line:90% sitting like right there? 00:00:16.010 --> 00:00:19.286 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:00:19.286 --> 00:00:20.230 align:middle line:90% 00:00:20.230 --> 00:00:21.970 align:middle line:90% That's OK. 00:00:21.970 --> 00:00:24.910 align:middle line:84% I mean, obviously I'm married to somebody who's white, 00:00:24.910 --> 00:00:25.730 align:middle line:90% my kids are mixed. 00:00:25.730 --> 00:00:28.945 align:middle line:84% It's not about that you don't have the race relations, 00:00:28.945 --> 00:00:30.820 align:middle line:84% it's just thinking about the different forces 00:00:30.820 --> 00:00:32.110 align:middle line:90% that form that. 00:00:32.110 --> 00:00:34.360 align:middle line:84% I mean, they did they did a study a few years ago when 00:00:34.360 --> 00:00:38.785 align:middle line:84% they looked at interracial dating and Asians at Berkeley 00:00:38.785 --> 00:00:40.660 align:middle line:84% and they found that the women were out dating 00:00:40.660 --> 00:00:43.810 align:middle line:90% at a rate of three to one. 00:00:43.810 --> 00:00:45.423 align:middle line:90% So it's like what's going on? 00:00:45.423 --> 00:00:46.840 align:middle line:84% What was interesting was then they 00:00:46.840 --> 00:00:48.290 align:middle line:90% interviewed couples, which-- 00:00:48.290 --> 00:00:51.880 align:middle line:84% which are all white [? men ?] and Asian women? 00:00:51.880 --> 00:00:53.760 align:middle line:84% And they would go like, well, when 00:00:53.760 --> 00:00:57.107 align:middle line:84% I saw [? Hwa ?] I didn't see color, I just saw a person, 00:00:57.107 --> 00:00:59.440 align:middle line:84% and [? Hwa ?] saying when I saw Bill I didn't see color, 00:00:59.440 --> 00:01:00.950 align:middle line:90% I just saw a person. 00:01:00.950 --> 00:01:02.710 align:middle line:84% Well, if that was just simply the case, 00:01:02.710 --> 00:01:05.470 align:middle line:84% why is it that they're out dating a rate of 3 to 1? 00:01:05.470 --> 00:01:07.070 align:middle line:84% And why are they dating black men 00:01:07.070 --> 00:01:11.020 align:middle line:90% or Native American [INAUDIBLE]? 00:01:11.020 --> 00:01:12.580 align:middle line:90% I mean, the thing is that-- 00:01:12.580 --> 00:01:17.230 align:middle line:84% I mean, Black men understand the position of Asian-American men. 00:01:17.230 --> 00:01:18.790 align:middle line:84% I mean, the background for that-- 00:01:18.790 --> 00:01:22.040 align:middle line:90% the poem Colors of Desire. 00:01:22.040 --> 00:01:25.540 align:middle line:84% One of the things is my friend Marc Hayashi, the actor, 00:01:25.540 --> 00:01:27.970 align:middle line:84% once said to me, every culture needs its eunuchs, 00:01:27.970 --> 00:01:31.002 align:middle line:84% and we're it, Asian-American men are the eunuchs of America. 00:01:31.002 --> 00:01:32.710 align:middle line:84% And I said that to my friend, Alexs Pate, 00:01:32.710 --> 00:01:34.377 align:middle line:84% who is a Black writer and he said, yeah, 00:01:34.377 --> 00:01:36.640 align:middle line:84% the Black men have the [? sexual ?] [? penis ?].. 00:01:36.640 --> 00:01:38.430 align:middle line:90% So those things are really-- 00:01:38.430 --> 00:01:39.880 align:middle line:84% we don't talk about these things, 00:01:39.880 --> 00:01:42.130 align:middle line:84% we don't like to talk about race and we certainly 00:01:42.130 --> 00:01:44.882 align:middle line:84% don't know to talk about race in the past. 00:01:44.882 --> 00:01:47.090 align:middle line:84% And people can actually have relationships like that. 00:01:47.090 --> 00:01:49.150 align:middle line:84% I know people who have interracial relationships, 00:01:49.150 --> 00:01:51.700 align:middle line:90% but they never talk about race. 00:01:51.700 --> 00:01:55.060 align:middle line:84% It's possible but-- but it's a very different relationship, 00:01:55.060 --> 00:01:57.250 align:middle line:84% if you just throw race on the table 00:01:57.250 --> 00:02:00.890 align:middle line:84% and say we're going to talk about this all the time. 00:02:00.890 --> 00:02:04.090 align:middle line:84% And I would say that in the second relationship 00:02:04.090 --> 00:02:09.310 align:middle line:84% things can be more difficult, but there's more intimacy. 00:02:09.310 --> 00:02:17.470 align:middle line:84% So it's not simply the people just falling in love, 00:02:17.470 --> 00:02:18.970 align:middle line:84% there's all these different things 00:02:18.970 --> 00:02:21.250 align:middle line:90% and it's very complicated. 00:02:21.250 --> 00:02:24.760 align:middle line:84% I was very clear for instance why I was attracted to my wife. 00:02:24.760 --> 00:02:27.700 align:middle line:84% I mean, I knew when I was growing up. 00:02:27.700 --> 00:02:31.490 align:middle line:84% I mean, Don mentioned that-- and mentioned 00:02:31.490 --> 00:02:34.480 align:middle line:84% that I grew up in a white suburb, 00:02:34.480 --> 00:02:36.470 align:middle line:84% so I grew up thinking I wanted to be white. 00:02:36.470 --> 00:02:39.012 align:middle line:84% And when I was in high school a white friend would say to me, 00:02:39.012 --> 00:02:41.770 align:middle line:84% you know, I think of you David just like a white person. 00:02:41.770 --> 00:02:44.230 align:middle line:84% And I would go great, that's what I want to be. 00:02:44.230 --> 00:02:48.850 align:middle line:84% And it took me years to realize, oh, I'm not a white person. 00:02:48.850 --> 00:02:51.940 align:middle line:90% What does that mean? 00:02:51.940 --> 00:02:54.830 align:middle line:84% And but at the time when I was growing up, 00:02:54.830 --> 00:02:57.520 align:middle line:84% I felt like people expected me to date other Asian-American 00:02:57.520 --> 00:02:58.330 align:middle line:90% women. 00:02:58.330 --> 00:03:01.420 align:middle line:90% So why should I do that? 00:03:01.420 --> 00:03:04.450 align:middle line:84% Just like people expect me to speak with an accent 00:03:04.450 --> 00:03:06.340 align:middle line:84% or expected me to know about Japan. 00:03:06.340 --> 00:03:11.065 align:middle line:84% And so I was still reacting against the stereotype. 00:03:11.065 --> 00:03:12.940 align:middle line:84% And it was actually only when I read Frantz-- 00:03:12.940 --> 00:03:14.357 align:middle line:84% I talked about this afternoon when 00:03:14.357 --> 00:03:16.420 align:middle line:84% I read Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks, 00:03:16.420 --> 00:03:18.122 align:middle line:90% about the psychology of racism. 00:03:18.122 --> 00:03:20.080 align:middle line:84% And Fanon talks about how the Black schoolchild 00:03:20.080 --> 00:03:22.210 align:middle line:84% in the French West Indies grows up 00:03:22.210 --> 00:03:24.712 align:middle line:90% reading texts about the French. 00:03:24.712 --> 00:03:26.920 align:middle line:84% And he says, what does that Black school child learn? 00:03:26.920 --> 00:03:29.920 align:middle line:84% And he says the Black school child learns self-hatred, 00:03:29.920 --> 00:03:32.350 align:middle line:84% self-determination, and identification 00:03:32.350 --> 00:03:34.300 align:middle line:90% with their colonial oppressor. 00:03:34.300 --> 00:03:37.990 align:middle line:84% And I read that and went wow, that's what I mean. 00:03:37.990 --> 00:03:41.110 align:middle line:84% And then Fanon also says the Black man constantly 00:03:41.110 --> 00:03:43.090 align:middle line:84% sleeps with a white woman as the solution 00:03:43.090 --> 00:03:45.490 align:middle line:90% to his feelings of inferiority. 00:03:45.490 --> 00:03:47.740 align:middle line:84% Will be erased by sleeping with white women? 00:03:47.740 --> 00:03:52.198 align:middle line:84% And I look at that well, that's what I mean. 00:03:52.198 --> 00:03:54.040 align:middle line:84% I didn't mean that I sat there and said, 00:03:54.040 --> 00:03:59.890 align:middle line:84% OK to my wife get out of the house. 00:03:59.890 --> 00:04:03.070 align:middle line:84% I mean, it's was just OK because your relationship is based 00:04:03.070 --> 00:04:05.212 align:middle line:90% on many, many different things. 00:04:05.212 --> 00:04:07.670 align:middle line:84% It's not the sole thing and when we share a sense of humor, 00:04:07.670 --> 00:04:09.850 align:middle line:84% we share a sense of taste, and politics, 00:04:09.850 --> 00:04:12.715 align:middle line:84% and all quirky little things like, we don't have pets. 00:04:12.715 --> 00:04:15.610 align:middle line:90% 00:04:15.610 --> 00:04:18.028 align:middle line:84% But that's part of the issue and then my wife 00:04:18.028 --> 00:04:19.570 align:middle line:84% had to figure out-- it took her years 00:04:19.570 --> 00:04:22.600 align:middle line:84% to figure out why she ended up with an Asian man. 00:04:22.600 --> 00:04:26.080 align:middle line:84% And it had a lot to do with her growing up in the South. 00:04:26.080 --> 00:04:28.990 align:middle line:84% And being very aware of being grounded 00:04:28.990 --> 00:04:34.240 align:middle line:84% as a northerner in the South and so she was always an outsider. 00:04:34.240 --> 00:04:36.698 align:middle line:84% And so she identified with outsiders in a way 00:04:36.698 --> 00:04:38.740 align:middle line:84% that I don't think if she'd grown up in the South 00:04:38.740 --> 00:04:40.510 align:middle line:90% as a white Southerner. 00:04:40.510 --> 00:04:43.210 align:middle line:84% I mean her greatest fear growing up was that one of her friends 00:04:43.210 --> 00:04:45.453 align:middle line:84% belonged-- would belong to the Ku Klux Klan. 00:04:45.453 --> 00:04:47.620 align:middle line:84% So she would-- when she went out to people's houses, 00:04:47.620 --> 00:04:49.330 align:middle line:84% she would look in their closets to see 00:04:49.330 --> 00:04:51.420 align:middle line:90% if they had sheets and stuff. 00:04:51.420 --> 00:04:52.750 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:04:52.750 --> 00:04:55.390 align:middle line:90% And she-- her high school was-- 00:04:55.390 --> 00:04:56.920 align:middle line:84% she was in high school at the time 00:04:56.920 --> 00:04:59.680 align:middle line:84% when they started to integrate schools in the South. 00:04:59.680 --> 00:05:03.520 align:middle line:84% And her first crush was actually on a Black boy, 00:05:03.520 --> 00:05:05.950 align:middle line:84% but it was too taboo and she said-- 00:05:05.950 --> 00:05:07.540 align:middle line:84% and she also grew up with, her father 00:05:07.540 --> 00:05:09.970 align:middle line:84% was head of the Center for Disease Control. 00:05:09.970 --> 00:05:12.580 align:middle line:84% So she had people from all over the world coming 00:05:12.580 --> 00:05:13.840 align:middle line:90% through their house. 00:05:13.840 --> 00:05:17.530 align:middle line:84% The people, you know, doctors from Africa, from India, 00:05:17.530 --> 00:05:19.720 align:middle line:90% from South America, from Asia. 00:05:19.720 --> 00:05:21.490 align:middle line:84% And she says I think I grew up feeling 00:05:21.490 --> 00:05:25.452 align:middle line:84% like if I was with a white guy he would be a little boring. 00:05:25.452 --> 00:05:27.910 align:middle line:84% But if I was with a Black guy, it would have been too taboo 00:05:27.910 --> 00:05:30.370 align:middle line:84% and would have brought up all this legacy of slavery 00:05:30.370 --> 00:05:31.960 align:middle line:90% in the South. 00:05:31.960 --> 00:05:33.850 align:middle line:90% So you were like in between. 00:05:33.850 --> 00:05:37.329 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:05:37.329 --> 00:05:39.814 align:middle line:90% 00:05:39.814 --> 00:05:42.020 align:middle line:84% said it's very multicultural where you live. 00:05:42.020 --> 00:05:42.520 align:middle line:90% Yeah. 00:05:42.520 --> 00:05:45.710 align:middle line:84% How do your kids handle growing up as biracial? 00:05:45.710 --> 00:05:47.450 align:middle line:84% Are there a lot of biracial parents? 00:05:47.450 --> 00:05:48.980 align:middle line:90% There are a lot of biracial. 00:05:48.980 --> 00:05:52.340 align:middle line:84% I think my kids tend to think of themselves more as Asian. 00:05:52.340 --> 00:05:55.640 align:middle line:90% 00:05:55.640 --> 00:05:59.390 align:middle line:84% And my wife says to people, why we do this, she says, 00:05:59.390 --> 00:06:00.980 align:middle line:90% because the whole culture is-- 00:06:00.980 --> 00:06:04.940 align:middle line:84% my wife is 3/4 WASP, 1/4 Hungarian Jew. 00:06:04.940 --> 00:06:08.210 align:middle line:84% And she says the whole culture is a WASP culture. 00:06:08.210 --> 00:06:13.580 align:middle line:84% We have to educate them on what it means to be Asian-American. 00:06:13.580 --> 00:06:17.220 align:middle line:90% And they look in different-- 00:06:17.220 --> 00:06:19.280 align:middle line:84% my daughter looks the most Asian. 00:06:19.280 --> 00:06:21.980 align:middle line:84% And then my youngest looks the least Asian. 00:06:21.980 --> 00:06:24.740 align:middle line:84% But they also identify with Asian as opposed to white. 00:06:24.740 --> 00:06:27.320 align:middle line:90% 00:06:27.320 --> 00:06:30.770 align:middle line:84% And their friends are in the poem, just all different races 00:06:30.770 --> 00:06:32.000 align:middle line:90% and stuff. 00:06:32.000 --> 00:06:35.420 align:middle line:84% One thing I noticed is that sports 00:06:35.420 --> 00:06:40.190 align:middle line:84% allows boys to integrate racially easier than girls, 00:06:40.190 --> 00:06:41.690 align:middle line:84% because you get on the field and you 00:06:41.690 --> 00:06:43.130 align:middle line:90% can play sports [INAUDIBLE]. 00:06:43.130 --> 00:06:46.850 align:middle line:90% And the girls don't have-- 00:06:46.850 --> 00:06:49.100 align:middle line:84% if they're in sports, then they have those activities. 00:06:49.100 --> 00:06:50.725 align:middle line:84% But if they're not in sports, then they 00:06:50.725 --> 00:06:53.630 align:middle line:84% don't have those activities to integrate in that way. 00:06:53.630 --> 00:06:56.265 align:middle line:90% 00:06:56.265 --> 00:06:57.140 align:middle line:90% But it's complicated. 00:06:57.140 --> 00:07:00.050 align:middle line:84% And we're always talking about it. 00:07:00.050 --> 00:07:03.212 align:middle line:84% My boy is much more [INAUDIBLE] than my daughter. 00:07:03.212 --> 00:07:06.110 align:middle line:84% Yeah, I'm just wondering, as a contemporary writer, 00:07:06.110 --> 00:07:10.190 align:middle line:84% do you ever find yourself censoring your writing now 00:07:10.190 --> 00:07:15.290 align:middle line:84% that you have children or on some of your topics 00:07:15.290 --> 00:07:16.160 align:middle line:90% on sexuality? 00:07:16.160 --> 00:07:18.750 align:middle line:84% I'm wondering, what dialogue do you have? 00:07:18.750 --> 00:07:22.210 align:middle line:90% I'll tell you a little story. 00:07:22.210 --> 00:07:25.490 align:middle line:84% I did this show with my friend Alexs Pate. 00:07:25.490 --> 00:07:28.040 align:middle line:84% I was watching an old video of it. 00:07:28.040 --> 00:07:29.780 align:middle line:84% And I did this monologue of my father. 00:07:29.780 --> 00:07:31.670 align:middle line:90% And my daughter came in. 00:07:31.670 --> 00:07:33.800 align:middle line:84% And so I was watching this old tape. 00:07:33.800 --> 00:07:35.570 align:middle line:84% And I did this monologue about my father 00:07:35.570 --> 00:07:37.000 align:middle line:84% and the effect of the internment camps. 00:07:37.000 --> 00:07:39.042 align:middle line:84% I did one about my mother, arguing with my mother 00:07:39.042 --> 00:07:41.780 align:middle line:90% about the Rodney King decision. 00:07:41.780 --> 00:07:43.460 align:middle line:84% And then I started talking on stage 00:07:43.460 --> 00:07:46.457 align:middle line:84% about-- it was a piece about sexuality. 00:07:46.457 --> 00:07:48.290 align:middle line:84% And my daughter just got up in bed and said, 00:07:48.290 --> 00:07:49.665 align:middle line:84% I got to do something downstairs. 00:07:49.665 --> 00:07:53.000 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:07:53.000 --> 00:07:54.500 align:middle line:90% So I get downstairs. 00:07:54.500 --> 00:07:57.590 align:middle line:84% And she looks at me, she says, I can 00:07:57.590 --> 00:07:59.660 align:middle line:84% understand why grandpa and grandma don't 00:07:59.660 --> 00:08:00.560 align:middle line:90% like your writing. 00:08:00.560 --> 00:08:03.320 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:08:03.320 --> 00:08:04.700 align:middle line:90% 00:08:04.700 --> 00:08:07.490 align:middle line:84% And I said, you know, people do that all the time, 00:08:07.490 --> 00:08:08.198 align:middle line:90% not just writers. 00:08:08.198 --> 00:08:09.782 align:middle line:84% Comics use their parents all the time. 00:08:09.782 --> 00:08:11.180 align:middle line:90% She said, I could never do that. 00:08:11.180 --> 00:08:13.560 align:middle line:84% I could never talk about these things. 00:08:13.560 --> 00:08:16.460 align:middle line:84% And she once told my wife that her greatest nightmare 00:08:16.460 --> 00:08:18.920 align:middle line:84% is that one of her friends would call her up and say, 00:08:18.920 --> 00:08:20.690 align:middle line:84% I'm reading your father's book in class. 00:08:20.690 --> 00:08:22.880 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:08:22.880 --> 00:08:27.260 align:middle line:84% And she made me, at one point, promise not to write about her. 00:08:27.260 --> 00:08:30.740 align:middle line:84% And I said, well, let's visit this every six months. 00:08:30.740 --> 00:08:32.120 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:08:32.120 --> 00:08:34.490 align:middle line:84% But the thing about it is, I ended up 00:08:34.490 --> 00:08:37.400 align:middle line:84% writing a poem about the argument that we had in the car 00:08:37.400 --> 00:08:39.230 align:middle line:84% about not writing about her about a week 00:08:39.230 --> 00:08:40.640 align:middle line:90% after I promised not to write. 00:08:40.640 --> 00:08:42.740 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:08:42.740 --> 00:08:44.240 align:middle line:84% I don't know what she's going to do. 00:08:44.240 --> 00:08:47.090 align:middle line:84% There's this whole section in the book which is about-- 00:08:47.090 --> 00:08:49.700 align:middle line:84% really centered on her and her coming 00:08:49.700 --> 00:08:53.720 align:middle line:84% aware of sexuality and reactions to all these different things, 00:08:53.720 --> 00:08:56.930 align:middle line:84% like the Abercrombie and Fitch fiasco 00:08:56.930 --> 00:09:02.210 align:middle line:84% that happened with those t-shirts and stuff. 00:09:02.210 --> 00:09:02.990 align:middle line:90% I don't know. 00:09:02.990 --> 00:09:08.600 align:middle line:84% The thing is that-- what is Philip Roth, John Updike's 00:09:08.600 --> 00:09:11.840 align:middle line:90% saying, writers have no shame. 00:09:11.840 --> 00:09:14.420 align:middle line:84% And Roth says, it's not that we don't have shame, 00:09:14.420 --> 00:09:15.740 align:middle line:90% but it just doesn't stop us. 00:09:15.740 --> 00:09:16.790 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:09:16.790 --> 00:09:19.822 align:middle line:84% And then Czesław Miłosz has a saying where he says, 00:09:19.822 --> 00:09:21.530 align:middle line:84% when there's a writer born in the family, 00:09:21.530 --> 00:09:22.738 align:middle line:90% that's the end of the family. 00:09:22.738 --> 00:09:25.340 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:09:25.340 --> 00:09:26.330 align:middle line:90% I don't know. 00:09:26.330 --> 00:09:28.490 align:middle line:90% It's just-- 00:09:28.490 --> 00:09:29.970 align:middle line:90% Do your kids read your work? 00:09:29.970 --> 00:09:33.290 align:middle line:84% Well, my daughter started to read it when she first felt-- 00:09:33.290 --> 00:09:34.340 align:middle line:90% started reading. 00:09:34.340 --> 00:09:36.770 align:middle line:84% But then she realized there was sexuality in it. 00:09:36.770 --> 00:09:39.710 align:middle line:84% And she went-- she just closed the book [INAUDIBLE].. 00:09:39.710 --> 00:09:41.590 align:middle line:84% Whereas, my boy is just like, this is cool. 00:09:41.590 --> 00:09:43.340 align:middle line:84% They gave their answers that they like it. 00:09:43.340 --> 00:09:45.048 align:middle line:84% And they like it that I write about them, 00:09:45.048 --> 00:09:47.810 align:middle line:84% because my daughter hates it when I write about her. 00:09:47.810 --> 00:09:50.660 align:middle line:84% So she's [INAUDIBLE] and ironically, she's 00:09:50.660 --> 00:09:55.160 align:middle line:84% the best writer in the family, so. 00:09:55.160 --> 00:09:58.220 align:middle line:90% But that's just what it is. 00:09:58.220 --> 00:10:01.820 align:middle line:90% It's like, that's what dad does. 00:10:01.820 --> 00:10:05.240 align:middle line:84% It's like, if dad or mom's a cop, this is what life is like. 00:10:05.240 --> 00:10:07.010 align:middle line:90% This is what it's like to be. 00:10:07.010 --> 00:10:10.677 align:middle line:84% And they'll just have to figure it out from there. 00:10:10.677 --> 00:10:13.260 align:middle line:84% Yeah, of course, you're always thinking about stuff like that. 00:10:13.260 --> 00:10:16.380 align:middle line:84% But in the end, as a writer, you just 00:10:16.380 --> 00:10:18.770 align:middle line:84% have to write what you have to write. 00:10:18.770 --> 00:10:24.200 align:middle line:84% And the way that other people react, that's part of the job. 00:10:24.200 --> 00:10:27.080 align:middle line:84% And either people accept it or don't. 00:10:27.080 --> 00:10:32.180 align:middle line:84% But it's like if you marry somebody who's a policeman, 00:10:32.180 --> 00:10:34.940 align:middle line:84% you accept that they're going to be in danger all the time. 00:10:34.940 --> 00:10:37.858 align:middle line:84% If you marry somebody who's a funeral director, 00:10:37.858 --> 00:10:40.150 align:middle line:84% you accept that there's going to be dead bodies around. 00:10:40.150 --> 00:10:40.700 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:10:40.700 --> 00:10:43.038 align:middle line:90% Otherwise, don't marry them. 00:10:43.038 --> 00:10:45.080 align:middle line:84% If you're going to marry somebody who's a writer, 00:10:45.080 --> 00:10:46.820 align:middle line:84% you just know that anything you say 00:10:46.820 --> 00:10:50.810 align:middle line:84% may end up actually in something that they write. 00:10:50.810 --> 00:10:57.430 align:middle line:90% 00:10:57.430 --> 00:10:58.660 align:middle line:90% One more question, yeah. 00:10:58.660 --> 00:11:00.190 align:middle line:90% This is going to go off topic. 00:11:00.190 --> 00:11:03.360 align:middle line:84% But being from Chicago as well, are you 00:11:03.360 --> 00:11:04.946 align:middle line:90% a Cubs fan or a White Sox fan? 00:11:04.946 --> 00:11:06.850 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:11:06.850 --> 00:11:08.320 align:middle line:90% I was both. 00:11:08.320 --> 00:11:09.880 align:middle line:84% Although, I was more a White Sox fan, 00:11:09.880 --> 00:11:12.830 align:middle line:84% because I grew up when the White Sox were really-- 00:11:12.830 --> 00:11:16.210 align:middle line:84% they actually got to the World Series. 00:11:16.210 --> 00:11:18.070 align:middle line:90% But I was-- 00:11:18.070 --> 00:11:20.200 align:middle line:90% I will go agree with you. 00:11:20.200 --> 00:11:23.020 align:middle line:90% It was a different era that I-- 00:11:23.020 --> 00:11:26.080 align:middle line:84% second grade, I would just go by myself to Wrigley Field. 00:11:26.080 --> 00:11:28.960 align:middle line:84% I can't imagine saying to my kids, just go to the ballpark 00:11:28.960 --> 00:11:31.900 align:middle line:90% by yourselves. 00:11:31.900 --> 00:11:33.010 align:middle line:90% Well, thank you very much. 00:11:33.010 --> 00:11:36.360 align:middle line:90% [APPLAUSE] 00:11:36.360 --> 00:11:38.000 align:middle line:90%