WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.720 align:middle line:90% 00:00:00.720 --> 00:00:03.810 align:middle line:84% And you know what the sound is if you see the picture even 00:00:03.810 --> 00:00:05.760 align:middle line:90% in the New York Times. 00:00:05.760 --> 00:00:11.700 align:middle line:84% It's a one long, unbearable vowel 00:00:11.700 --> 00:00:15.420 align:middle line:84% and there's a name for it, ululation. 00:00:15.420 --> 00:00:20.820 align:middle line:84% But that vowel, which is saying, I've lost everything, 00:00:20.820 --> 00:00:23.670 align:middle line:84% the world is not real, I don't want it, I don't want myself, 00:00:23.670 --> 00:00:26.370 align:middle line:84% I don't want the world, I don't want anything to do with this. 00:00:26.370 --> 00:00:30.430 align:middle line:84% I mean, the only answer to losing is to say, 00:00:30.430 --> 00:00:31.890 align:middle line:90% I want to lose it, you know? 00:00:31.890 --> 00:00:32.670 align:middle line:90% I want it gone. 00:00:32.670 --> 00:00:34.650 align:middle line:84% I don't want to have anything to do with it. 00:00:34.650 --> 00:00:40.470 align:middle line:84% And the destructive and angry aspects of grief 00:00:40.470 --> 00:00:49.530 align:middle line:84% are all there in that terrible sound of pain and the attempts 00:00:49.530 --> 00:00:51.510 align:middle line:84% to break it, the attempts even to breathe, 00:00:51.510 --> 00:00:54.000 align:middle line:84% the attempts to stop it, to control it, 00:00:54.000 --> 00:00:57.480 align:middle line:84% to make something out of it are the beginnings of consonants. 00:00:57.480 --> 00:00:58.980 align:middle line:84% I think that's how language begins 00:00:58.980 --> 00:01:05.160 align:middle line:84% with a expressively powerful feeling, through which there's 00:01:05.160 --> 00:01:09.160 align:middle line:84% no one has no way of dealing with it. 00:01:09.160 --> 00:01:11.100 align:middle line:84% And I think that's how poetry begins. 00:01:11.100 --> 00:01:13.710 align:middle line:84% I think that's why poetry is different from the other arts 00:01:13.710 --> 00:01:19.440 align:middle line:84% because it uses the same thing that is original language 00:01:19.440 --> 00:01:23.190 align:middle line:84% itself and poetry is always going back to original 00:01:23.190 --> 00:01:27.990 align:middle line:84% language, to that moment where you're dealing with what cannot 00:01:27.990 --> 00:01:29.040 align:middle line:90% be said. 00:01:29.040 --> 00:01:32.190 align:middle line:84% Why do people turn back to poetry in wartime 00:01:32.190 --> 00:01:36.810 align:middle line:84% or in times of great crisis or when they lose a loved one 00:01:36.810 --> 00:01:40.380 align:middle line:84% or when they fall in love or when they're profoundly angry 00:01:40.380 --> 00:01:45.190 align:middle line:84% and just don't want to do the obvious thing? 00:01:45.190 --> 00:01:50.550 align:middle line:84% Which is that's the the rarest of them, but it does happen. 00:01:50.550 --> 00:01:56.430 align:middle line:84% It's because poetry is about what cannot be said. 00:01:56.430 --> 00:01:58.200 align:middle line:90% Prose is about what can be said. 00:01:58.200 --> 00:02:02.070 align:middle line:84% Prose is about subject and what can be communicated about it 00:02:02.070 --> 00:02:04.620 align:middle line:84% but poetry is something-- it comes 00:02:04.620 --> 00:02:06.900 align:middle line:84% to being that too but it is something else first 00:02:06.900 --> 00:02:11.039 align:middle line:84% and it remains something else all the way through. 00:02:11.039 --> 00:02:18.930 align:middle line:84% Shakespeare, the Groundlings stood for five hours, 00:02:18.930 --> 00:02:20.430 align:middle line:84% many of them couldn't read and write 00:02:20.430 --> 00:02:22.862 align:middle line:84% and they stood and listened to Hamlet. 00:02:22.862 --> 00:02:23.820 align:middle line:90% What were they hearing? 00:02:23.820 --> 00:02:27.060 align:middle line:84% They weren't hearing the denotative value 00:02:27.060 --> 00:02:31.950 align:middle line:84% of the words, which the scholars are still scrabbling about. 00:02:31.950 --> 00:02:33.960 align:middle line:90% They were hearing this-- 00:02:33.960 --> 00:02:40.920 align:middle line:84% some current that was underneath the words, which communicated 00:02:40.920 --> 00:02:43.290 align:middle line:84% directly in which they were getting through five 00:02:43.290 --> 00:02:44.820 align:middle line:90% hours of show of Hamlet. 00:02:44.820 --> 00:02:48.330 align:middle line:90% 00:02:48.330 --> 00:02:50.850 align:middle line:84% And if you play back a great recording, 00:02:50.850 --> 00:02:54.825 align:middle line:84% I mean a great performance of Hamlet, 00:02:54.825 --> 00:02:58.250 align:middle line:84% you can just listen to that aspect of it, 00:02:58.250 --> 00:03:00.300 align:middle line:84% apart from the glory of the language itself. 00:03:00.300 --> 00:03:04.020 align:middle line:90% 00:03:04.020 --> 00:03:07.380 align:middle line:84% I'm jumping ahead deliberately because the connection 00:03:07.380 --> 00:03:11.610 align:middle line:84% with the natural world, so-called, 00:03:11.610 --> 00:03:16.350 align:middle line:84% as a child, which was such a relief. 00:03:16.350 --> 00:03:22.080 align:middle line:84% Later on, it seemed to me again that the writing, 00:03:22.080 --> 00:03:24.113 align:middle line:90% that language, the poetry-- 00:03:24.113 --> 00:03:25.530 align:middle line:84% as soon as I was five years old, I 00:03:25.530 --> 00:03:27.113 align:middle line:84% wanted to write poems because I wanted 00:03:27.113 --> 00:03:29.910 align:middle line:84% to write the things that we sang in church, you know? 00:03:29.910 --> 00:03:31.830 align:middle line:84% That was a different kind of use of language 00:03:31.830 --> 00:03:34.080 align:middle line:90% and I like that use of language. 00:03:34.080 --> 00:03:37.470 align:middle line:84% I like words like the spacious firmament on high, 00:03:37.470 --> 00:03:42.730 align:middle line:84% you didn't know what they meant but they sounded wonderful. 00:03:42.730 --> 00:03:46.570 align:middle line:84% And it never occurred to me that there was again 00:03:46.570 --> 00:03:53.020 align:middle line:84% a distinction between that feeling and the feeling 00:03:53.020 --> 00:03:59.800 align:middle line:84% of elation at seeing the grass growing between the flagstone 00:03:59.800 --> 00:04:03.430 align:middle line:84% and it's never occurred to me that literature 00:04:03.430 --> 00:04:07.855 align:middle line:84% and the writing, the poetry, literature all together. 00:04:07.855 --> 00:04:10.360 align:middle line:90% 00:04:10.360 --> 00:04:17.980 align:middle line:84% Imaginative literature was alien and at odds 00:04:17.980 --> 00:04:23.590 align:middle line:84% with a love of the green world, of growing 00:04:23.590 --> 00:04:24.880 align:middle line:90% things that the rest of life. 00:04:24.880 --> 00:04:27.790 align:middle line:90% 00:04:27.790 --> 00:04:34.180 align:middle line:84% I couldn't figure that one out and as I grew up, 00:04:34.180 --> 00:04:36.850 align:middle line:90% I loved them both. 00:04:36.850 --> 00:04:40.270 align:middle line:84% I loved poetry, I loved literature 00:04:40.270 --> 00:04:44.530 align:middle line:84% and I loved any chance to get out into the woods 00:04:44.530 --> 00:04:48.370 align:middle line:84% and into hike and beyond the lake and then 00:04:48.370 --> 00:04:56.710 align:middle line:84% to paddle a canoe and any chance to be part of that. 00:04:56.710 --> 00:04:57.775 align:middle line:90% The first time I-- 00:04:57.775 --> 00:05:01.780 align:middle line:84% I mean I can remember an unbelievable experience 00:05:01.780 --> 00:05:04.840 align:middle line:84% of coming over a hill on a farm in Pennsylvania 00:05:04.840 --> 00:05:10.120 align:middle line:84% and seeing this great swale of meadows and woods 00:05:10.120 --> 00:05:13.630 align:middle line:84% behind it and in the afternoon light 00:05:13.630 --> 00:05:16.875 align:middle line:84% and thinking and not thinking and just to me, 00:05:16.875 --> 00:05:19.250 align:middle line:84% it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life. 00:05:19.250 --> 00:05:22.390 align:middle line:90% I just couldn't express it. 00:05:22.390 --> 00:05:32.440 align:middle line:84% And it was not until 20 years ago that the group of people 00:05:32.440 --> 00:05:37.120 align:middle line:84% were asked to a conference in Missoula, Montana 00:05:37.120 --> 00:05:43.600 align:middle line:84% who were writers and writers and writers on the environment, 00:05:43.600 --> 00:05:52.890 align:middle line:84% and I remember saying at that conference, most of us 00:05:52.890 --> 00:05:57.900 align:middle line:84% grew up feeling that we were freaks because we 00:05:57.900 --> 00:05:59.340 align:middle line:90% like both of these things. 00:05:59.340 --> 00:06:03.630 align:middle line:84% We cared passionately for both of these things and we 00:06:03.630 --> 00:06:05.310 align:middle line:90% didn't feel-- 00:06:05.310 --> 00:06:09.490 align:middle line:84% we didn't feel there was a distinction between them. 00:06:09.490 --> 00:06:13.770 align:middle line:90% Well, I want you to imagine. 00:06:13.770 --> 00:06:19.350 align:middle line:84% I want you to think about reading poetry, 00:06:19.350 --> 00:06:21.990 align:middle line:90% reading imaginative prose. 00:06:21.990 --> 00:06:24.660 align:middle line:84% With that assumption in mind, rather than the other way 00:06:24.660 --> 00:06:30.000 align:middle line:84% around, I mean do you like you know, 00:06:30.000 --> 00:06:31.530 align:middle line:84% trees and flowers and butterflies 00:06:31.530 --> 00:06:33.420 align:middle line:90% or do you like literature? 00:06:33.420 --> 00:06:38.280 align:middle line:84% I mean the-- we've been on enough probably university 00:06:38.280 --> 00:06:43.950 align:middle line:84% campuses, where the literati and the botanists, 00:06:43.950 --> 00:06:46.740 align:middle line:84% I mean there's not a bus service between them. 00:06:46.740 --> 00:06:50.910 align:middle line:84% The botanists don't read anything except botany 00:06:50.910 --> 00:06:55.770 align:middle line:84% and this is really depressing sometimes. 00:06:55.770 --> 00:06:57.510 align:middle line:90% They never read anything. 00:06:57.510 --> 00:07:01.170 align:middle line:84% And the literary people don't have any time 00:07:01.170 --> 00:07:02.650 align:middle line:84% to pay attention to these things, 00:07:02.650 --> 00:07:06.960 align:middle line:84% and they still think somehow they're above it all. 00:07:06.960 --> 00:07:11.760 align:middle line:84% It's just ridiculous because there's not 00:07:11.760 --> 00:07:16.110 align:middle line:84% a matter-- there's no should or duty in the whole thing. 00:07:16.110 --> 00:07:19.920 align:middle line:84% I think in spite of what's happening, 00:07:19.920 --> 00:07:24.360 align:middle line:84% in spite of what we're doing, the recognition of the fact 00:07:24.360 --> 00:07:29.040 align:middle line:84% that when we were fetuses in our mothers' wombs, 00:07:29.040 --> 00:07:34.950 align:middle line:84% we went through all of the forms of life before us. 00:07:34.950 --> 00:07:37.410 align:middle line:90% We have been an insect. 00:07:37.410 --> 00:07:39.030 align:middle line:90% We have been a lizard. 00:07:39.030 --> 00:07:41.010 align:middle line:84% We have been all of these creatures. 00:07:41.010 --> 00:07:42.750 align:middle line:84% We didn't stay there very long maybe, 00:07:42.750 --> 00:07:45.420 align:middle line:84% but it wasn't very long ago either. 00:07:45.420 --> 00:07:47.520 align:middle line:84% And somewhere, we remember all that. 00:07:47.520 --> 00:07:49.050 align:middle line:90% We are connected with it all. 00:07:49.050 --> 00:07:51.520 align:middle line:90% We know it. 00:07:51.520 --> 00:07:53.820 align:middle line:84% It's not a matter of anthropomorphizing, 00:07:53.820 --> 00:07:59.010 align:middle line:84% that sort of silly 19th century way of sort of belittling 00:07:59.010 --> 00:08:03.810 align:middle line:84% an attitude, which suggests that our feelings, including 00:08:03.810 --> 00:08:07.620 align:middle line:84% pain and joy may have something to do with that of the animals. 00:08:07.620 --> 00:08:11.730 align:middle line:84% I mean it's taking the ornithologists a very long time 00:08:11.730 --> 00:08:15.270 align:middle line:84% and rather reluctantly to admit that birdsong probably 00:08:15.270 --> 00:08:17.610 align:middle line:90% has a lot to do with pleasure. 00:08:17.610 --> 00:08:18.540 align:middle line:90% Oh, dear. 00:08:18.540 --> 00:08:21.540 align:middle line:84% That might be anthro-- more of anthropomorphizing. 00:08:21.540 --> 00:08:25.560 align:middle line:84% I mean, when the thrush never bothers to repeat itself 00:08:25.560 --> 00:08:30.250 align:middle line:84% and the thrush never does repeat itself. 00:08:30.250 --> 00:08:31.680 align:middle line:84% However many times you hear, it's 00:08:31.680 --> 00:08:33.400 align:middle line:90% like Schubert doing variations. 00:08:33.400 --> 00:08:35.289 align:middle line:84% He'll come up with a new variation. 00:08:35.289 --> 00:08:37.860 align:middle line:84% And if the others were imitating him to get it wrong, 00:08:37.860 --> 00:08:39.900 align:middle line:84% he'll come back and correct them and say, no, 00:08:39.900 --> 00:08:40.530 align:middle line:90% don't do it that way. 00:08:40.530 --> 00:08:42.072 align:middle line:84% But I've got a better way of doing it 00:08:42.072 --> 00:08:44.910 align:middle line:84% and he'll do it the next way and do you think 00:08:44.910 --> 00:08:46.340 align:middle line:90% this has to do with territory? 00:08:46.340 --> 00:08:48.090 align:middle line:84% And do you think it has to do with mating? 00:08:48.090 --> 00:08:49.410 align:middle line:90% Yeah, sure. 00:08:49.410 --> 00:08:52.860 align:middle line:84% But they've known about that for a long time. 00:08:52.860 --> 00:08:54.780 align:middle line:90% They're onto something else. 00:08:54.780 --> 00:08:56.280 align:middle line:90% Why shouldn't it be pleasure? 00:08:56.280 --> 00:08:58.380 align:middle line:84% Why shouldn't that pleasure go all the way back 00:08:58.380 --> 00:08:59.412 align:middle line:90% to the amoebas? 00:08:59.412 --> 00:09:00.870 align:middle line:84% Why shouldn't there be a difference 00:09:00.870 --> 00:09:04.410 align:middle line:84% between pain and pleasure and what you avoid 00:09:04.410 --> 00:09:06.420 align:middle line:90% and what you don't avoid? 00:09:06.420 --> 00:09:08.790 align:middle line:84% That expresses itself in ways that they 00:09:08.790 --> 00:09:12.960 align:middle line:90% all equally understand. 00:09:12.960 --> 00:09:15.660 align:middle line:84% Isn't it a great joy to think of being part of that? 00:09:15.660 --> 00:09:18.510 align:middle line:84% Rather than being somehow superior to it 00:09:18.510 --> 00:09:22.590 align:middle line:84% and utilizing it and making, you know, 00:09:22.590 --> 00:09:24.780 align:middle line:90% turning it into a commodity? 00:09:24.780 --> 00:09:25.350 align:middle line:90% Goodness. 00:09:25.350 --> 00:09:30.450 align:middle line:84% What do we do to ourselves when we turn that into a commodity? 00:09:30.450 --> 00:09:32.850 align:middle line:84% That we become commodities ourselves. 00:09:32.850 --> 00:09:36.420 align:middle line:84% I mean, we think of ourselves-- and you know, we say it, 00:09:36.420 --> 00:09:38.280 align:middle line:90% time is money. 00:09:38.280 --> 00:09:40.100 align:middle line:90% Time isn't money. 00:09:40.100 --> 00:09:43.350 align:middle line:84% We may say that and we're warping our minds 00:09:43.350 --> 00:09:47.160 align:middle line:84% and saying it and cheapening our minds and saying it, 00:09:47.160 --> 00:09:52.050 align:middle line:84% but how can we talk about these things 00:09:52.050 --> 00:09:54.540 align:middle line:84% without seeming to preach about them? 00:09:54.540 --> 00:09:59.313 align:middle line:84% And it's you know, the time is running out on us too 00:09:59.313 --> 00:10:00.480 align:middle line:90% and I don't mean the money-- 00:10:00.480 --> 00:10:02.063 align:middle line:84% I don't mean money's running out of us 00:10:02.063 --> 00:10:04.500 align:middle line:90% but I mean time is running out. 00:10:04.500 --> 00:10:05.000 align:middle line:90%