WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.320 align:middle line:90% 00:00:01.320 --> 00:00:06.870 align:middle line:84% I'll begin with a poem called "Incident in a Rose Garden," 00:00:06.870 --> 00:00:14.520 align:middle line:84% which is a sort of story poem with three characters speaking. 00:00:14.520 --> 00:00:18.840 align:middle line:84% I think you'll recognize how that works as the poem goes. 00:00:18.840 --> 00:00:21.990 align:middle line:90% 00:00:21.990 --> 00:00:24.750 align:middle line:84% It's a familiar story, really, with a twist at the end. 00:00:24.750 --> 00:00:31.100 align:middle line:90% 00:00:31.100 --> 00:00:32.810 align:middle line:84% And I should say, also, I think that it's 00:00:32.810 --> 00:00:37.025 align:middle line:84% set somewhat in the past when people had gardeners to take 00:00:37.025 --> 00:00:38.150 align:middle line:90% care of their rose gardens. 00:00:38.150 --> 00:00:40.910 align:middle line:90% 00:00:40.910 --> 00:00:43.490 align:middle line:84% And therefore, the language is slightly old-fashioned. 00:00:43.490 --> 00:00:48.340 align:middle line:90% 00:00:48.340 --> 00:00:54.700 align:middle line:84% "The gardener came running, an old man out of breath. 00:00:54.700 --> 00:00:58.540 align:middle line:90% Fear had given him legs. 00:00:58.540 --> 00:01:03.790 align:middle line:84% Sir, I encountered Death just now among the roses. 00:01:03.790 --> 00:01:06.670 align:middle line:84% Thin as a scythe, he stood there. 00:01:06.670 --> 00:01:08.720 align:middle line:90% I knew him by his pictures. 00:01:08.720 --> 00:01:15.190 align:middle line:84% He had his black coat on, black gloves, a broad black hat. 00:01:15.190 --> 00:01:19.510 align:middle line:84% I think he would have spoken, seeing his mouth stood open, 00:01:19.510 --> 00:01:21.595 align:middle line:90% big it was, with white teeth. 00:01:21.595 --> 00:01:24.190 align:middle line:90% 00:01:24.190 --> 00:01:26.950 align:middle line:90% As soon as he beckoned, I ran. 00:01:26.950 --> 00:01:29.200 align:middle line:90% I ran until I found you. 00:01:29.200 --> 00:01:32.770 align:middle line:90% Sir, I am quitting my job. 00:01:32.770 --> 00:01:36.820 align:middle line:84% I want to see my sons once more before I die. 00:01:36.820 --> 00:01:40.120 align:middle line:90% I want to see California. 00:01:40.120 --> 00:01:41.470 align:middle line:90% We shook hands. 00:01:41.470 --> 00:01:43.570 align:middle line:90% He was off. 00:01:43.570 --> 00:01:46.480 align:middle line:84% And there stood Death in the garden, 00:01:46.480 --> 00:01:50.140 align:middle line:90% dressed like a Spanish waiter. 00:01:50.140 --> 00:01:52.900 align:middle line:84% He had the air of someone who, because he 00:01:52.900 --> 00:01:56.350 align:middle line:84% likes arriving at all appointments early, 00:01:56.350 --> 00:02:00.160 align:middle line:90% learns to think himself patient. 00:02:00.160 --> 00:02:04.000 align:middle line:84% I watched him pinch one bloom off and hold it 00:02:04.000 --> 00:02:10.180 align:middle line:84% to his nose, a connoisseur of roses, one bloom and then 00:02:10.180 --> 00:02:11.920 align:middle line:90% another. 00:02:11.920 --> 00:02:16.180 align:middle line:84% They strewed the Earth around him. 00:02:16.180 --> 00:02:20.620 align:middle line:84% Sir, you must be that stranger who threatened my gardener. 00:02:20.620 --> 00:02:23.260 align:middle line:90% This is my property, Sir. 00:02:23.260 --> 00:02:27.760 align:middle line:90% I welcome only friends here. 00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:28.810 align:middle line:90% Death grinned. 00:02:28.810 --> 00:02:33.520 align:middle line:84% And his eyes lit up with a pale glow of those lanterns 00:02:33.520 --> 00:02:36.610 align:middle line:84% that workmen carry sometimes to light 00:02:36.610 --> 00:02:40.060 align:middle line:90% their way through the dusk. 00:02:40.060 --> 00:02:43.690 align:middle line:84% Now with great care, he slid the glove from his right hand 00:02:43.690 --> 00:02:49.900 align:middle line:84% and held that out in greeting, a little cage of bone. 00:02:49.900 --> 00:02:52.060 align:middle line:90% Sir, I knew your father. 00:02:52.060 --> 00:02:55.420 align:middle line:90% And we were friends at the end. 00:02:55.420 --> 00:02:58.480 align:middle line:84% As for your gardener, I did not threaten him. 00:02:58.480 --> 00:03:01.150 align:middle line:90% Old men mistake my gestures. 00:03:01.150 --> 00:03:04.720 align:middle line:84% I only meant to ask him to show me to his master. 00:03:04.720 --> 00:03:07.620 align:middle line:90% I take it you are he." 00:03:07.620 --> 00:03:11.000 align:middle line:90%