WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.650 align:middle line:90% 00:00:01.650 --> 00:00:07.500 align:middle line:84% I'll do a couple of Indian poems here. 00:00:07.500 --> 00:00:09.550 align:middle line:84% The first one Indian graves at Jocko. 00:00:09.550 --> 00:00:14.250 align:middle line:84% The Jocko area is now occupied by the Flathead 00:00:14.250 --> 00:00:16.140 align:middle line:90% Indians up in Montana. 00:00:16.140 --> 00:00:19.440 align:middle line:84% But they used to occupy the Bitterroot Valley, 00:00:19.440 --> 00:00:21.360 align:middle line:90% very rich, fertile area. 00:00:21.360 --> 00:00:25.620 align:middle line:84% And after the Civil War, Scandinavian settlers 00:00:25.620 --> 00:00:29.160 align:middle line:84% came out and started to settle in the Bitterroot Valley 00:00:29.160 --> 00:00:32.220 align:middle line:84% and wanted to get rid of the Indians. 00:00:32.220 --> 00:00:38.310 align:middle line:84% So they formed a lobby and went back to Washington DC. 00:00:38.310 --> 00:00:41.580 align:middle line:84% And they found a Senator, Garfield 00:00:41.580 --> 00:00:43.260 align:middle line:90% who later became president. 00:00:43.260 --> 00:00:47.970 align:middle line:84% And he drew up a treaty called the Treaty of 1869. 00:00:47.970 --> 00:00:51.150 align:middle line:84% And under the terms of the treaty, 00:00:51.150 --> 00:00:55.320 align:middle line:84% the Flathead Indians would give up the Bitterroot 00:00:55.320 --> 00:00:58.320 align:middle line:84% and go up and occupy the Jocko area. 00:00:58.320 --> 00:01:03.120 align:middle line:84% Well, Chief Charlo after two sub chiefs signed this treaty. 00:01:03.120 --> 00:01:12.690 align:middle line:84% Chief Charlo refused to sign it, and some long litigations 00:01:12.690 --> 00:01:13.710 align:middle line:90% followed. 00:01:13.710 --> 00:01:18.570 align:middle line:84% And finally in desperation, Garfield told a general 00:01:18.570 --> 00:01:23.760 align:middle line:84% to forge the chief's name on the document and the general did. 00:01:23.760 --> 00:01:27.420 align:middle line:84% And that's how the Flathead Indians lost the Bitterroot 00:01:27.420 --> 00:01:30.250 align:middle line:90% Valley on a forgery. 00:01:30.250 --> 00:01:36.660 align:middle line:84% Now just recently there was a settlement about six, 00:01:36.660 --> 00:01:39.540 align:middle line:84% seven years ago, there was a court case that was settled 00:01:39.540 --> 00:01:45.070 align:middle line:84% and the government award had to pay the Indians $4 million, 00:01:45.070 --> 00:01:47.130 align:middle line:84% which seems like a lot of money to you and me, 00:01:47.130 --> 00:01:53.340 align:middle line:84% but it is 396 million short of the estimated property values. 00:01:53.340 --> 00:01:55.440 align:middle line:90% They were screwed out of. 00:01:55.440 --> 00:01:59.310 align:middle line:84% This is about a little Indian cemetery up in the Jocko area. 00:01:59.310 --> 00:02:01.950 align:middle line:90% Indian graves at Bitterroot. 00:02:01.950 --> 00:02:06.420 align:middle line:84% These dirt mounds make the dead seem fat. 00:02:06.420 --> 00:02:11.400 align:middle line:84% Crude walls of rock that hold the dirt when rain rides wild 00:02:11.400 --> 00:02:14.910 align:middle line:90% were placed with skill or luck. 00:02:14.910 --> 00:02:20.070 align:middle line:84% No crucifix can make the drab boards of this chapel Catholic. 00:02:20.070 --> 00:02:23.070 align:middle line:84% A mass across these stones becomes 00:02:23.070 --> 00:02:27.090 align:middle line:84% whatever whale the wind decides is right. 00:02:27.090 --> 00:02:33.360 align:middle line:84% They ask for got the black robe and the promised masses well 00:02:33.360 --> 00:02:37.800 align:middle line:84% meant promises shabby third hand crosses. 00:02:37.800 --> 00:02:42.360 align:middle line:84% This graveyard can expand, can crawl in all directions 00:02:42.360 --> 00:02:44.940 align:middle line:84% to the mountains, climb the mountains 00:02:44.940 --> 00:02:49.020 align:middle line:84% to the salmon, and a sun that toned the arrows when 00:02:49.020 --> 00:02:52.980 align:middle line:90% animals were serious as meat. 00:02:52.980 --> 00:02:58.230 align:middle line:84% The dead are really fat, the houses lean from lack of lawns, 00:02:58.230 --> 00:03:01.920 align:middle line:84% the river runs a thin bed down the useless flat 00:03:01.920 --> 00:03:05.430 align:middle line:84% where Flathead homes are spaced like friends. 00:03:05.430 --> 00:03:08.790 align:middle line:84% The dead are strange jammed this familial, 00:03:08.790 --> 00:03:13.890 align:middle line:84% a cheap fence separates the chapel from the graves. 00:03:13.890 --> 00:03:16.440 align:middle line:84% A forlorn lot like this where snow 00:03:16.440 --> 00:03:19.530 align:middle line:84% must crawl to find the tribal stones 00:03:19.530 --> 00:03:24.660 align:middle line:84% is more than just a grim result of cheap Garfield's forgery, 00:03:24.660 --> 00:03:29.280 align:middle line:84% some aimless trek of horses from the stolen Bitterroot. 00:03:29.280 --> 00:03:34.860 align:middle line:84% Dead are buried here because the dead will always be obscure. 00:03:34.860 --> 00:03:40.490 align:middle line:84% Wind, the one thing, whites will always give a chance. 00:03:40.490 --> 00:03:43.000 align:middle line:90%