WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:00.396 --> 00:00:03.346 align:middle >> And sometimes, you know, the idea of a nightmare. 00:00:03.856 --> 00:00:12.326 align:middle Nightmares sometimes dreams that ignore or exclude the dreams of others become nightmares. 00:00:12.746 --> 00:00:14.086 align:middle And I think this is what's going on. 00:00:14.086 --> 00:00:19.316 align:middle Sometimes in trying to impose your will on other people and the idea, 00:00:19.666 --> 00:00:21.046 align:middle sometimes -- This is what I feel sometimes. 00:00:21.106 --> 00:00:22.046 align:middle Una cebolla feliz. 00:00:22.046 --> 00:00:24.366 align:middle ¡Me siento como una cebolla feliz! 00:00:24.366 --> 00:00:31.496 align:middle En vez de hacer llorar a la gente, ahorita a todos haría cantar. 00:00:32.416 --> 00:00:33.546 align:middle One happy onion. 00:00:33.716 --> 00:00:35.726 align:middle I feel like one happy onion! 00:00:36.066 --> 00:00:40.166 align:middle Instead of making people cry, right now I make them all sing.