WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:00.806 --> 00:00:10.336 align:middle >> Later, as Silvia finally makes her way into the jungle and wants to become an apprentice 00:00:10.446 --> 00:00:15.376 align:middle to Rosa, Rosa helps me see the caves in her own way. 00:00:15.776 --> 00:00:22.386 align:middle I gaze around at the forest where she has been free, so alive in this wonder where trees grow 00:00:22.386 --> 00:00:27.176 align:middle like castle towers with windows opening on to rooms of sunlight. 00:00:27.856 --> 00:00:30.766 align:middle I can no longer imagine living anywhere else 00:00:32.136 --> 00:00:34.886 align:middle without this garden of orchids and bright macaws. 00:00:34.886 --> 00:00:39.146 align:middle I think of all I knew about tales of castles. 00:00:39.646 --> 00:00:43.976 align:middle There was always a dungeon and a chapel, bells of hope. 00:00:48.626 --> 00:00:51.786 align:middle Rosa me ayuda a ver las cuevas a su manera. 00:00:52.336 --> 00:00:57.296 align:middle Miro en la manigua donde ella ha sido libre, tan viva en esta maravilla, 00:00:58.156 --> 00:01:04.356 align:middle en la que los árboles crecen como torreones con ventanas que se abren a habitaciones de luz. 00:01:05.056 --> 00:01:08.336 align:middle Ya no puedo imaginarme viviendo en otro sitio, 00:01:08.976 --> 00:01:12.436 align:middle sin este jardín de orquídeas y de papagayos brillantes. 00:01:13.336 --> 00:01:17.036 align:middle Pienso en todo lo que sé de cuentos de castillos. 00:01:17.876 --> 00:01:24.296 align:middle Siempre hay unas mazmorras y una capilla y campanas de esperanza. 00:01:25.596 --> 00:01:30.726 align:middle It's that hope, esa esperanza, that I really love to write about.