WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:01.336 --> 00:00:08.506 align:middle >> Buenos días a los seres que son como un país y ya verlos es viajar a otra parte. 00:00:09.776 --> 00:00:15.476 align:middle Buenos días a los ojos que al abrirse han leído el poema visible. 00:00:17.056 --> 00:00:23.216 align:middle Buenos días a los labios que desde el comienzo han dicho los nombres infinitos. 00:00:24.666 --> 00:00:30.756 align:middle Buenos días a las manos que han tocado las cosas de la tierra bellísima. 00:00:32.736 --> 00:00:36.266 align:middle >> Morning to the beings that are like a country 00:00:36.266 --> 00:00:40.526 align:middle and seeing them now is to travel to another place. 00:00:41.756 --> 00:00:48.366 align:middle Morning to the eyes that upon opening, have read the visible poem. 00:00:49.346 --> 00:00:56.016 align:middle Morning to the lips that from the beginning have spoken the infinite names. 00:00:57.326 --> 00:01:03.736 align:middle Morning to the hands that have touched the things of the beautiful Earth.