WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:01.116 --> 00:00:06.176 align:middle >> I'll read then one called Requiem, which I do have in Spanish and English. 00:00:07.476 --> 00:00:11.386 align:middle This is part of a book called fables of -- Fables of the blood heron, 00:00:11.386 --> 00:00:17.796 align:middle Fábulas de la garza desangrada, and I am slowly translating the rest 00:00:17.796 --> 00:00:21.776 align:middle of the poems to publish a bilingual edition. 00:00:21.776 --> 00:00:24.956 align:middle I hope maybe next year. 00:00:24.956 --> 00:00:28.916 align:middle Requiem. Theseus is finally convinced. 00:00:29.816 --> 00:00:31.516 align:middle The Minotaur is his destiny. 00:00:32.376 --> 00:00:34.636 align:middle He rises and buckles up his shield. 00:00:35.676 --> 00:00:41.476 align:middle As he straps on his sandals, the bracelets of his arms ring out like lightning. 00:00:42.516 --> 00:00:50.556 align:middle Legs apart, Cyclopean, he stands over Ariadne and resolutely fits the dagger to his waist. 00:00:51.566 --> 00:00:57.176 align:middle He whispers in her ear one day he'll return with a rich horn of ivory 00:00:57.176 --> 00:01:00.156 align:middle on a damasked cushion from across the sea. 00:01:01.386 --> 00:01:07.096 align:middle Theseus embraces her for the last time and strides off with a swagger, 00:01:07.646 --> 00:01:11.206 align:middle lighting up the labyrinth with the gleam of his sword. 00:01:12.206 --> 00:01:14.626 align:middle Ariadne leans against the wall. 00:01:15.186 --> 00:01:19.596 align:middle A reed of icy bones has splintered down the length of her back. 00:01:20.616 --> 00:01:24.666 align:middle She sits on the stamped-down dust of nothingness. 00:01:25.326 --> 00:01:26.486 align:middle No bottom there. 00:01:27.696 --> 00:01:30.416 align:middle A sudden pain tears at her insides. 00:01:31.246 --> 00:01:35.926 align:middle She feels the warm wine as it runs down between her legs. 00:01:36.696 --> 00:01:39.306 align:middle She's begun to abort the Minotaur. 00:01:41.146 --> 00:01:42.986 align:middle In Spanish goes like this. 00:01:44.686 --> 00:01:48.166 align:middle Requiem. Teseo se ha convencido al fin. 00:01:49.126 --> 00:01:51.386 align:middle El minotauro es su destino. 00:01:52.236 --> 00:01:54.586 align:middle Se levanta y ciñe al cuerpo el escudo. 00:01:54.586 --> 00:02:01.306 align:middle Al calzarse las sandalias, las ajorcas de sus brazos tañen como relámpagos. 00:02:02.426 --> 00:02:08.656 align:middle Perniabierto y ciclópeo se cierne sobre Ariadne y se ajusta al cinto el puñal, 00:02:09.586 --> 00:02:12.636 align:middle le susurra al oído que algún día habrá de regresar. 00:02:13.686 --> 00:02:20.846 align:middle Le ofrecerá entonces una rica cornamenta de marfil transportada sobre cojines de brocado 00:02:20.986 --> 00:02:22.266 align:middle desde el otro lado del mar. 00:02:23.536 --> 00:02:26.176 align:middle Teseo la abraza por última vez y se aleja, 00:02:26.896 --> 00:02:30.206 align:middle iluminando el Laberinto con el brillo de su espada. 00:02:31.276 --> 00:02:38.396 align:middle Ariadne se apoya contra el muro, escruta las galerías con el ojo aguzado, 00:02:38.396 --> 00:02:41.016 align:middle [inaudible] en la negrura como un cono de luz. 00:02:41.816 --> 00:02:48.006 align:middle Una espiga de cartílagos glaciares se le ha astillado a lo largo de la espalda. 00:02:49.026 --> 00:02:55.356 align:middle Se desliza hasta encontrar asiento sobre el polvo, apisonado de oscuridad sin fondo. 00:02:55.356 --> 00:03:03.626 align:middle Un dolor le desgarra súbitamente las entrañas y siente un vino tibio escurriéndosele por 00:03:03.626 --> 00:03:04.506 align:middle la entrepierna. 00:03:05.466 --> 00:03:07.946 align:middle Ha empezado a abortar el minotauro.