WEBVTT NOTE Created by CaptionSync from Automatic Sync Technologies www.automaticsync.com 00:00:02.276 --> 00:00:05.786 align:middle >> A couple of years ago, I returned again to Puerto Rico 00:00:05.786 --> 00:00:09.046 align:middle with my wife this time, while there up in the mountains. 00:00:09.046 --> 00:00:12.466 align:middle Again, this time of town called Jayuya. 00:00:13.836 --> 00:00:21.536 align:middle We encountered, first of all, the presence of the sense of the Tainos, 00:00:21.786 --> 00:00:26.016 align:middle the indigenous inhabitants of the island who were obliterated 00:00:26.016 --> 00:00:27.926 align:middle over the centuries by the Spanish. 00:00:28.896 --> 00:00:35.326 align:middle And yet, who still can be seen in Puerto Rico through their petroglyphs, the rock carvings, 00:00:35.646 --> 00:00:41.186 align:middle through many of the words that have found their way into Puerto Rican Spanish and even 00:00:41.416 --> 00:00:45.926 align:middle through the color of the skin of many people from Puerto Rico. 00:00:48.266 --> 00:00:54.906 align:middle So while there we'd began to think about that and then an incident occurred 00:00:54.906 --> 00:00:57.636 align:middle which crystallized everything and it involved a hummingbird. 00:00:58.176 --> 00:01:03.476 align:middle The poem is called colibrí, which is the Spanish word for hummingbird. 00:01:03.476 --> 00:01:05.786 align:middle And what I'd like to do is this is a bilingual book, 00:01:05.786 --> 00:01:08.496 align:middle I'll read it first in Spanish and then in English. 00:01:08.806 --> 00:01:09.296 align:middle Colibrí. 00:01:13.836 --> 00:01:23.386 align:middle En Jayuya los lagartijos se dispersan como una flota de canoas verdes ante el invasor. 00:01:25.396 --> 00:01:29.946 align:middle Los españoles conquistaron con hierro y palabras. 00:01:31.146 --> 00:01:39.326 align:middle Indio taíno, para el pueblo que tomaba la vida de la lluvia arrojada entre los árboles como 00:01:39.406 --> 00:01:41.206 align:middle flechas y evaporándose. 00:01:42.036 --> 00:01:49.236 align:middle Ellos que dejaron huellas en la roca, de ojos y bocas, y en círculos perfectos de espanto. 00:01:52.266 --> 00:01:55.636 align:middle Y el zumbador fue bautizado colibrí. 00:01:56.636 --> 00:02:03.976 align:middle Ahora el colibrí se precipita y se estrella entre los muros blancos de la hacienda, 00:02:04.106 --> 00:02:07.626 align:middle un corazón taíno agitado, frenético, 00:02:07.676 --> 00:02:12.736 align:middle como si oyera el bramido del Dios de la pólvora por primera vez. 00:02:15.306 --> 00:02:25.896 align:middle El colibrí, presa paralizada, calle la más pura quietud cuando tus manos lo acopan y lo 00:02:25.896 --> 00:02:33.526 align:middle alzan por las celosías rojas de la ventana donde se desaparece un paraíso celeste, 00:02:34.146 --> 00:02:36.526 align:middle un anochecer de coquilles. 00:02:38.486 --> 00:02:41.986 align:middle Si la historia solo fuera como tus manos. 00:02:44.266 --> 00:02:47.086 align:middle Colibrí, for Katherine, one year later. 00:02:50.566 --> 00:02:56.776 align:middle In Jayuya, the lizards scatter like a fleet of green canoes before the invader. 00:02:58.366 --> 00:03:05.716 align:middle The Spanish conquered with iron and words Indio Taíno for the people who took life 00:03:05.716 --> 00:03:11.556 align:middle from the rain, the rush through trees like evaporating arrows, who left the rock carvings 00:03:11.556 --> 00:03:15.856 align:middle of eyes and mouths in perfect circles of amazement. 00:03:18.316 --> 00:03:20.976 align:middle So the hummingbird was christened Colibrí. 00:03:20.976 --> 00:03:26.696 align:middle Now the colibrí darts and bangs between the white walls of the hacienda, 00:03:26.936 --> 00:03:32.566 align:middle a racing Taíno heart, frantic as if hearing the bellowing God of gunpowder for the first time. 00:03:33.086 --> 00:03:41.226 align:middle The colibrí becomes pure stillness, ceased in the paralysis of the pray. 00:03:41.476 --> 00:03:46.196 align:middle When your hands cupped the bird and lift him through the red shutters of the window, 00:03:46.326 --> 00:03:52.946 align:middle where disappears into a paradise of sky, a nightfall of singing frogs. 00:03:55.046 --> 00:03:58.266 align:middle If only History were like your hands.