WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.870 align:middle line:90% 00:00:00.870 --> 00:00:03.210 align:middle line:84% So I'm going to read a very brief fairy tale to you 00:00:03.210 --> 00:00:07.000 align:middle line:84% and then let you all take it from there. 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:10.530 align:middle line:84% I've always loved, but love isn't quite the right word, 00:00:10.530 --> 00:00:12.210 align:middle line:84% a haunting Russian fairy tale called, 00:00:12.210 --> 00:00:15.360 align:middle line:84% How A Husband Weaned His Wife From Fairy Tales. 00:00:15.360 --> 00:00:17.370 align:middle line:84% It's a 19th-century story, or at least 00:00:17.370 --> 00:00:19.320 align:middle line:84% that's when it was first gathered in a book, 00:00:19.320 --> 00:00:22.590 align:middle line:84% about one woman's insatiable need to hear stories 00:00:22.590 --> 00:00:26.670 align:middle line:84% and how she must be sorely punished for it. 00:00:26.670 --> 00:00:29.100 align:middle line:84% I've always felt this particular tale 00:00:29.100 --> 00:00:33.060 align:middle line:84% really important to fairy tales' difficult history and important 00:00:33.060 --> 00:00:35.820 align:middle line:84% for so many lovers of stories and books. 00:00:35.820 --> 00:00:37.740 align:middle line:84% And I was recently asked to write a story, 00:00:37.740 --> 00:00:40.440 align:middle line:84% and I took the chance finally, after 15 years of loving it, 00:00:40.440 --> 00:00:43.110 align:middle line:84% to retell this tale kind of as an ode to fairy tales. 00:00:43.110 --> 00:00:45.180 align:middle line:84% But I'm going to read the old version first just 00:00:45.180 --> 00:00:47.070 align:middle line:84% to get us in the mood of retelling 00:00:47.070 --> 00:00:50.730 align:middle line:84% and the mood of the old language. 00:00:50.730 --> 00:00:53.310 align:middle line:84% How A Husband Weaned His Wife From Fairy Tales. 00:00:53.310 --> 00:00:55.140 align:middle line:84% And this is gathered in Angela Carter, 00:00:55.140 --> 00:00:58.350 align:middle line:84% the queen of fairy tales, in her collection, The Virago 00:00:58.350 --> 00:00:59.280 align:middle line:90% Book of Fairy Tales. 00:00:59.280 --> 00:01:01.970 align:middle line:84% It's out of print, but you can still find it. 00:01:01.970 --> 00:01:03.650 align:middle line:84% "There was once an innkeeper whose wife 00:01:03.650 --> 00:01:06.380 align:middle line:84% loved fairy tales above all else and accepted 00:01:06.380 --> 00:01:09.200 align:middle line:84% as lodgers only those who could tell stories. 00:01:09.200 --> 00:01:11.990 align:middle line:84% Of course the husband suffered loss because of this, 00:01:11.990 --> 00:01:14.750 align:middle line:84% and he wondered how he could wean his wife away 00:01:14.750 --> 00:01:16.370 align:middle line:90% from fairy tales. 00:01:16.370 --> 00:01:20.300 align:middle line:84% One night in winter at a late hour, an old man shivering 00:01:20.300 --> 00:01:22.820 align:middle line:90% with cold asked him for shelter. 00:01:22.820 --> 00:01:25.740 align:middle line:84% The husband ran out and said, 'Can you tell stories? 00:01:25.740 --> 00:01:28.730 align:middle line:84% My wife does not allow me to let anyone in who cannot tell 00:01:28.730 --> 00:01:29.930 align:middle line:90% stories.' 00:01:29.930 --> 00:01:31.770 align:middle line:84% The old man saw that he had no choice. 00:01:31.770 --> 00:01:33.020 align:middle line:90% He was almost frozen to death. 00:01:33.020 --> 00:01:35.630 align:middle line:90% He said, 'I can tell stories.' 00:01:35.630 --> 00:01:37.610 align:middle line:84% 'And would you tell them for a long time?' 00:01:37.610 --> 00:01:39.020 align:middle line:90% 'All night.' 00:01:39.020 --> 00:01:40.460 align:middle line:90% So far, so good. 00:01:40.460 --> 00:01:42.260 align:middle line:90% They let the old man in. 00:01:42.260 --> 00:01:45.110 align:middle line:84% The husband said, 'Wife, this peasant has promised to tell 00:01:45.110 --> 00:01:48.560 align:middle line:84% stories all night long but only on condition that you do not 00:01:48.560 --> 00:01:50.450 align:middle line:84% argue with him or interrupt him.' 00:01:50.450 --> 00:01:54.200 align:middle line:84% The old man said, 'Yes, there must be no interruptions, 00:01:54.200 --> 00:01:56.330 align:middle line:90% or I will not tell any stories.' 00:01:56.330 --> 00:01:57.950 align:middle line:90% They ate supper and went to bed. 00:01:57.950 --> 00:01:59.420 align:middle line:90% Then the old man began. 00:01:59.420 --> 00:02:01.940 align:middle line:84% 'An owl flew by a garden, sat on a tree trunk, 00:02:01.940 --> 00:02:03.920 align:middle line:90% and drank some water. 00:02:03.920 --> 00:02:07.190 align:middle line:84% An owl flew into a garden, sat in a tree trunk, 00:02:07.190 --> 00:02:08.810 align:middle line:90% and drank some water.' 00:02:08.810 --> 00:02:10.880 align:middle line:84% He kept on saying again and again, 00:02:10.880 --> 00:02:13.880 align:middle line:84% 'An owl flew into a garden, sat on a tree trunk, 00:02:13.880 --> 00:02:15.405 align:middle line:90% and drank some water.' 00:02:15.405 --> 00:02:17.030 align:middle line:84% The wife listened and listened and then 00:02:17.030 --> 00:02:19.190 align:middle line:84% said, 'What kind of story is this? 00:02:19.190 --> 00:02:21.860 align:middle line:84% He keeps repeating the same thing over and over.' 00:02:21.860 --> 00:02:23.630 align:middle line:90% 'Why do you interrupt me? 00:02:23.630 --> 00:02:25.760 align:middle line:90% I told you not to argue with me. 00:02:25.760 --> 00:02:27.420 align:middle line:90% That was only the beginning. 00:02:27.420 --> 00:02:29.720 align:middle line:90% It was going to change later.' 00:02:29.720 --> 00:02:31.730 align:middle line:84% The husband, upon hearing this, and it 00:02:31.730 --> 00:02:34.640 align:middle line:84% was exactly what he wanted to hear, jumped down from his bed 00:02:34.640 --> 00:02:36.320 align:middle line:90% and began to belabor his wife. 00:02:36.320 --> 00:02:40.010 align:middle line:84% 'You were told not to argue, and you have now not let him finish 00:02:40.010 --> 00:02:40.850 align:middle line:90% the story.' 00:02:40.850 --> 00:02:42.980 align:middle line:84% And he thrashed her and thrashed her 00:02:42.980 --> 00:02:44.870 align:middle line:84% so that she began to hate stories. 00:02:44.870 --> 00:02:50.095 align:middle line:84% And from that time on, forswore listening to them." 00:02:50.095 --> 00:02:52.050 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:02:52.050 --> 00:02:53.370 align:middle line:90% Isn't that a beautiful story? 00:02:53.370 --> 00:02:55.140 align:middle line:90% [LAUGHTER] 00:02:55.140 --> 00:02:56.640 align:middle line:90% But it is beautiful in its way. 00:02:56.640 --> 00:02:58.155 align:middle line:84% It has beautiful poetics, I think. 00:02:58.155 --> 00:03:01.060 align:middle line:90% 00:03:01.060 --> 00:03:02.600 align:middle line:84% Fairy tales can get away with that. 00:03:02.600 --> 00:03:04.600 align:middle line:84% So part of the problem when you read the old one 00:03:04.600 --> 00:03:08.320 align:middle line:84% and then you read a new one is the juxtaposition. 00:03:08.320 --> 00:03:10.210 align:middle line:84% I mean, the old ones are just so wonderful. 00:03:10.210 --> 00:03:12.668 align:middle line:84% But if you can just humor me, I'm going to read my version. 00:03:12.668 --> 00:03:13.942 align:middle line:90% It's short, too. 00:03:13.942 --> 00:03:15.400 align:middle line:84% And it's called How A Mother Weaned 00:03:15.400 --> 00:03:18.412 align:middle line:90% Her Girl From Fairy Tales. 00:03:18.412 --> 00:03:20.870 align:middle line:84% "There was once a mother whose only child loved fairy tales 00:03:20.870 --> 00:03:23.720 align:middle line:84% above all else and accepted as dolls only 00:03:23.720 --> 00:03:25.700 align:middle line:90% those who could tell stories. 00:03:25.700 --> 00:03:28.340 align:middle line:84% Of course the child suffered loss because of this 00:03:28.340 --> 00:03:30.170 align:middle line:84% as there were not so many dolls that could 00:03:30.170 --> 00:03:32.330 align:middle line:90% perform such a remarkable task. 00:03:32.330 --> 00:03:34.160 align:middle line:90% And her mother suffered as well. 00:03:34.160 --> 00:03:35.810 align:middle line:84% When she went to the department store 00:03:35.810 --> 00:03:37.820 align:middle line:84% on birthdays or Christmas, she often 00:03:37.820 --> 00:03:39.800 align:middle line:84% left empty-handed and disappointed 00:03:39.800 --> 00:03:42.890 align:middle line:84% her only child who asked for more and more stories, 00:03:42.890 --> 00:03:44.930 align:middle line:90% bad stories or good. 00:03:44.930 --> 00:03:46.640 align:middle line:90% She wanted more fairy tales. 00:03:46.640 --> 00:03:48.500 align:middle line:84% That's all she ever wanted, she said. 00:03:48.500 --> 00:03:50.300 align:middle line:90% She was insatiable. 00:03:50.300 --> 00:03:53.750 align:middle line:84% By her 18th birthday, the child had only two dolls, 00:03:53.750 --> 00:03:56.540 align:middle line:84% one who told wonderful stories and one who 00:03:56.540 --> 00:03:58.940 align:middle line:90% told very bad stories, indeed. 00:03:58.940 --> 00:04:01.370 align:middle line:84% Still, the child was very good-natured 00:04:01.370 --> 00:04:03.890 align:middle line:84% and told her mother one cold winter evening 00:04:03.890 --> 00:04:05.840 align:middle line:84% that even two dolls, one who could 00:04:05.840 --> 00:04:07.610 align:middle line:84% tell wonderful stories and one who 00:04:07.610 --> 00:04:10.623 align:middle line:84% could tell terrible stories, were far better than none. 00:04:10.623 --> 00:04:12.290 align:middle line:84% And their household had more fairy tales 00:04:12.290 --> 00:04:15.320 align:middle line:84% than more impoverished homes where perhaps no storytelling 00:04:15.320 --> 00:04:17.060 align:middle line:90% dolls ever had lived. 00:04:17.060 --> 00:04:20.370 align:middle line:84% And then she hugged her mother and kissed her goodnight. 00:04:20.370 --> 00:04:24.450 align:middle line:84% That very same night at a very late hour and, of course, 00:04:24.450 --> 00:04:27.090 align:middle line:84% a wee bit of vodka, the mother wondered 00:04:27.090 --> 00:04:29.940 align:middle line:84% how she might wean her daughter from fairy tales. 00:04:29.940 --> 00:04:33.300 align:middle line:84% One day, every girl must grow up after all. 00:04:33.300 --> 00:04:35.070 align:middle line:90% There was a knock on the door. 00:04:35.070 --> 00:04:37.890 align:middle line:84% There stood a witch doll shivering with cold, 00:04:37.890 --> 00:04:40.080 align:middle line:84% and she asked the mother for shelter. 00:04:40.080 --> 00:04:42.698 align:middle line:84% The girl's mother said, 'Can you tell stories? 00:04:42.698 --> 00:04:45.240 align:middle line:84% My daughter does not allow any dolls in the house that cannot 00:04:45.240 --> 00:04:46.530 align:middle line:90% tell stories.' 00:04:46.530 --> 00:04:48.900 align:middle line:84% The witch doll saw that she had no choice. 00:04:48.900 --> 00:04:51.930 align:middle line:84% She was a rag doll, and she had tiny icicles hanging off 00:04:51.930 --> 00:04:53.890 align:middle line:90% of her little rag limbs. 00:04:53.890 --> 00:04:55.380 align:middle line:90% She was almost frozen to death. 00:04:55.380 --> 00:04:57.510 align:middle line:90% She said, 'I can.' 00:04:57.510 --> 00:04:59.400 align:middle line:84% 'And will you tell them a long time?' 00:04:59.400 --> 00:05:02.100 align:middle line:90% 'All night.' So far so good. 00:05:02.100 --> 00:05:04.410 align:middle line:84% The mother let the witch doll in and sat her 00:05:04.410 --> 00:05:06.360 align:middle line:84% in a tiny rocking chair right by the fire 00:05:06.360 --> 00:05:09.390 align:middle line:84% where her cotton stuffing nicely and evenly warmed. 00:05:09.390 --> 00:05:11.550 align:middle line:84% The mother gently woke up her daughter and said, 00:05:11.550 --> 00:05:14.160 align:middle line:84% 'There's a witch doll here who has promised to tell stories 00:05:14.160 --> 00:05:16.920 align:middle line:84% all night long on the condition that your other dolls do not 00:05:16.920 --> 00:05:18.810 align:middle line:90% argue or interrupt.' 00:05:18.810 --> 00:05:20.970 align:middle line:84% The daughter woke up her dolls, the one that 00:05:20.970 --> 00:05:22.770 align:middle line:84% could tell good stories and the one that 00:05:22.770 --> 00:05:25.650 align:middle line:84% could tell bad stories, and brought them to the living room 00:05:25.650 --> 00:05:27.420 align:middle line:90% and sat near the hearth. 00:05:27.420 --> 00:05:29.310 align:middle line:84% The mother had laid out all manner 00:05:29.310 --> 00:05:32.820 align:middle line:84% of goodies for all of them to eat, lollipops with chocolate 00:05:32.820 --> 00:05:35.730 align:middle line:84% tucked inside their miniature globes, jelly beans, 00:05:35.730 --> 00:05:37.470 align:middle line:90% and buttered toast. 00:05:37.470 --> 00:05:40.620 align:middle line:84% The witch doll said, 'Yes, I will tell stories, 00:05:40.620 --> 00:05:42.120 align:middle line:84% but there must be no interruptions, 00:05:42.120 --> 00:05:44.250 align:middle line:84% or I will tell no more stories to you.' 00:05:44.250 --> 00:05:47.580 align:middle line:84% The mother, the daughter, and the two dolls ate their snacks 00:05:47.580 --> 00:05:50.760 align:middle line:84% and went back to bed in order to listen. 00:05:50.760 --> 00:05:52.080 align:middle line:90% The witch doll began. 00:05:52.080 --> 00:05:54.450 align:middle line:84% 'An owl flew by a garden, sat on a tree trunk, 00:05:54.450 --> 00:05:55.920 align:middle line:90% and drank some water. 00:05:55.920 --> 00:05:58.980 align:middle line:84% An owl flew into a garden, sat on a tree trunk, 00:05:58.980 --> 00:06:00.480 align:middle line:90% and drank some water. 00:06:00.480 --> 00:06:03.000 align:middle line:84% An owl flew by a garden, sat on a tree trunk, 00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:04.350 align:middle line:90% and drank some water.' 00:06:04.350 --> 00:06:07.560 align:middle line:84% Over and over again, the witch style repeated the sentence. 00:06:07.560 --> 00:06:11.040 align:middle line:84% The good doll listened and said from her little doll bed, 00:06:11.040 --> 00:06:13.530 align:middle line:84% 'That's a beautiful story, but I'm 00:06:13.530 --> 00:06:15.790 align:middle line:84% afraid your audience might become tired of it. 00:06:15.790 --> 00:06:17.550 align:middle line:90% I'm not tired of it, of course. 00:06:17.550 --> 00:06:18.720 align:middle line:90% I think it's lovely. 00:06:18.720 --> 00:06:21.300 align:middle line:84% But-- And the bad doll shouted from bed, 00:06:21.300 --> 00:06:23.760 align:middle line:90% 'That's not even a story.' 00:06:23.760 --> 00:06:26.640 align:middle line:84% The witch doll gazed coldly into the fire. 00:06:26.640 --> 00:06:29.310 align:middle line:84% 'Doll one, you've interrupted me. 00:06:29.310 --> 00:06:30.480 align:middle line:90% I told you not to interrupt. 00:06:30.480 --> 00:06:32.370 align:middle line:90% And doll two, you have argued. 00:06:32.370 --> 00:06:33.750 align:middle line:90% That was only the beginning. 00:06:33.750 --> 00:06:35.608 align:middle line:90% I was going to change it later.' 00:06:35.608 --> 00:06:37.650 align:middle line:84% The witch flew out of a window with the two dolls 00:06:37.650 --> 00:06:38.670 align:middle line:90% in her hands. 00:06:38.670 --> 00:06:40.980 align:middle line:84% She dropped the dolls into the frozen pond 00:06:40.980 --> 00:06:43.590 align:middle line:84% down a teeny hole that had been made by a rabbit. 00:06:43.590 --> 00:06:46.500 align:middle line:84% And there, in ice water, they drowned. 00:06:46.500 --> 00:06:48.210 align:middle line:84% The mother saw this from her bed. 00:06:48.210 --> 00:06:51.330 align:middle line:84% She rushed over to her darling, beloved, lone daughter, 00:06:51.330 --> 00:06:55.080 align:middle line:84% who'd been blissfully sleeping, dreaming the whole thing just 00:06:55.080 --> 00:06:57.870 align:middle line:84% like a character might in an old storybook. 00:06:57.870 --> 00:07:01.140 align:middle line:84% Her mother knelt down, clasped her child's warm hands 00:07:01.140 --> 00:07:03.030 align:middle line:84% into her own, and silently pleaded 00:07:03.030 --> 00:07:06.060 align:middle line:84% with her, 'Your dolls were told not to interrupt and never 00:07:06.060 --> 00:07:06.870 align:middle line:90% to argue. 00:07:06.870 --> 00:07:08.130 align:middle line:90% And now look what's happened? 00:07:08.130 --> 00:07:09.960 align:middle line:84% We won't get any more fairy tales.' 00:07:09.960 --> 00:07:13.390 align:middle line:84% And she hugged her and hugged her to offer some comfort. 00:07:13.390 --> 00:07:15.810 align:middle line:84% The child never asked for a talking doll again. 00:07:15.810 --> 00:07:18.120 align:middle line:84% And the doll flew around the world 00:07:18.120 --> 00:07:20.820 align:middle line:84% over and over again for a household 00:07:20.820 --> 00:07:22.980 align:middle line:90% that might more quietly listen. 00:07:22.980 --> 00:07:27.870 align:middle line:84% She's still flying today alone up there in a very cold wind." 00:07:27.870 --> 00:07:29.370 align:middle line:90% Thanks. 00:07:29.370 --> 00:07:32.720 align:middle line:90% [APPLAUSE] 00:07:32.720 --> 00:07:39.000 align:middle line:90%