Poets & Writers, UA Office of Global Initiatives, UA Poetry Center
Tarfia Faizullah reads poems from her collection Seam (2014) and from an early version of Registers of Illuminated Villages (Graywolf Press, 2018). This reading was originally given with francine j. harris as part of the Morgan Lucas Schuldt Memorial Reading Series.
Differs from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. Seam. Carbondale, IL: Crab Orchard Review & Southern Illinois University Press, 2014.
Differs slightly from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. Seam. Carbondale, IL: Crab Orchard Review & Southern Illinois University Press, 2014.
Published version bears the title "The Scar." Differs substantially from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. "The Scar." Kundiman, 29 April 2014, http://www.kundiman.org/kundimanfireside/tarfia-faizullah-pt-1-it-wanted-to-learn-how. Accessed 19 August 2021.
Differs from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. "Dark Tuning." The Southwest Review, vol. 105, no. 2, http://southwestreview.com/magazine/volume-105-number-2/dark-tuning/. Accessed 19 August 2021.
Differs from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. Registers of Illuminated Villages. Minneapolis: Graywolf, 2018.
Differs from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. Registers of Illuminated Villages. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2018.
Differs from published version.
Faizullah, Tarfia. Registers of Illuminated Villages. Minneapolis: Graywolf Press, 2018.
with Tarfia Faizullah and francine j. harris