Doty, Mark. "Little George." Academy of American Poets, 2016. Web. Accessed 30 Mar. 2023.
Lisel Mueller reads from The Private Life (1976), The Need to Hold Still (1980), and Second Language (1986).
Toi Derricotte reads from her first three collections: The Empress of the Death House (1978), Natural Birth (1983), and Captivity (1989). She also reads poems and prose that would later be collected in Tender (1997) and The Black Notebooks: An Interior Journey (1997), along with two unpublished poems, including one written in Tucson the night before this reading. She closes by singing an original song.
Lawrence Lenhart reads from his essay collection The Well-Stocked and Gilded Cage (2016). This reading was originally given with Benjamin Rybeck and Natasha Stagg.
Mark Doty reads mostly new, uncollected poems that revolve around his observations and experiences living in New York City, with a focus on his co-op apartment building. He opens the evening with a memory of the mentorship he received as a high-schooler from Richard Shelton, who had recently passed at the time of this reading. This reading was given as part of the Tom Sanders Memorial Reading Series.