
Thom Gunn reads poems appearing in The Man with Night Sweats (1992) and The Passages of Joy (1982).


John Frederick Nims reads from Knowledge of the Evening (1960) and Of Flesh and Bone (1967); he also reads translations of poems by St. John of the Cross and Catullus. 


Poetry Center Summer Resident Cody Walker reads poems from Shuffle and Breakdown (2008), along with new and uncollected works and a poem by Gavin Ewart.


Ellen Bryant Voigt lectures on the role of syntax in poetry, examining its uses in Philip Larkin's "Cut Grass," Donald Justice's "To the Hawks," and D.H. Lawrence's "Snake."

Poetry Center

1508 East Helen Street (at Vine Avenue)
Tucson, AZ 85721-0150 • MAP IT
PHONE 520-626-3765 |