POG: Poetry in Action, UA Poetry Center
Heriberto Yépez reads poems from Babellebab (2003) as well as new and uncollected work. This event opens with readings by Tenney Nathanson, Lisa Cooper Anderson, and Matt Rotando.
By Tenney Nathanson. Selections from [i]Home on the Range[/i] differ slightly from published version.
Nathanson, Tenney. Home on the Range (The Night Sky with Stars in my Mouth). Oakland, CA: O Books, 2005.
By Lisa Cooper Anderson. Unpublished.
By Matt Rotando. Unpublished.
Includes a quotation from Richard Rodriguez's [i]Days of Obligation: An Argument with My Mexican Father[/i] (1993).
Differs slightly from published version.
Yépez, Heriberto. Babellebab. Sausalito, CA: Duration Press, 2003.
Differs slightly from published version.
Yépez, Heriberto. Babellebab. Sausalito, CA: Duration Press, 2003.
From an unpublished manuscript titled "Directive Political Technologies: The Countdowns, or, An Essay on Readings: an E-Play."
From an unpublished manuscript titled "Directive Political Technologies: The Countdowns, or, An Essay on Readings: an E-Play."
From an unpublished manuscript titled "Directive Political Technologies: The Countdowns, or, An Essay on Readings: an E-Play."
From an unpublished manuscript titled "Directive Political Technologies: The Countdowns, or, An Essay on Readings: an E-Play."
Yépez, Heriberto. "A TEN-STEP PROGRAM (OR A USER'S GUIDE) ON HOW | MEXICANS AND | AMERICANS | CAN KNOW | THEY HAVE | A BODY." Crayon. Issue 4, 2004: 102-109. Print.
Yépez, Heriberto. Voice Exchange Rates. 2007. VHS.